Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

More Rapid Pullout Than Expected

In a new report on the US Afghan mission, the New York Times on Monday June 06, 2011 said that "President Barack Obama's national security team is contem plating troop reductions in Afghanistan that would be steeper than those discussed even a few weeks ago, with some officials arguing that such a change is justified by the rising cost of the war and the death of Osama bin Laden".

The report clearly demonstrated the fear that the exhausting war against terrorism in Afghanistan has left the contributing countries no more patience to see their money spent and their soldiers dying on the ground for a gloomy perspective. This is high time for the Afghan government to get a move on to find the necessary political determination to end militancy and build the capacity to aptly handle the duty once the international allies are gone. As the clock is ticking to announce the withdrawal deadline, these last moments are too vital for winning or losing the war and getting the mission accomplished. However, as ever, violence continues harassing people's lives and downplaying achievements in the country. The perspective of peace, development and stability remains erratic here. Fighting a fatiguing war, the government is yet too weak to stand on its own.

Following hard days in the recent decades, Afghans have got a clear outlook of how the country will handle the problems once the international forces make a complete withdrawal. They have stayed here since a decade and have managed the overall process. Only a month before the withdrawal process will kick off, the government of president Karzai is hesitant on its capability to accurately manage things after the pullout. A number of NATO officials share the same concern and have frequently given warnings on a premature withdrawal. But the intolerant calls for a complete pullout suggests that western nations are putting even more pressures on their governments to take troops home as Al-Qaeda's mastermind has been killed.

Reports said that as of this week, at least 1,493 members of the U.S. military had died in Afghanistan as a result of the US-led operation in Afghanistan in 2001. The human loss comes in addition to the huge amount of money spent on troops fighting here. US official accounts say the annual cost for each single soldier serving on the ground has hit a million dollars. This, amidst the hard times for US economy, can serve as the biggest pressure on Obama's administration to start bigger withdrawal as soon as military officials confirm the timing. So, there would be the need for a thorough review of the Afghan government's preparedness to take over the mission. Nonetheless, indications say that President Karzai doesn't seem agreeing that his government can fulfill the job as expected.