Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Looming War on Syria!

With the latest reports, third warship of US had reached to the waters of Gulf. Two warships were already present in the area. This step has darkened the clouds of military action of United States against Syria. The fears of war also increased due to series of recent events in the war-torn country. Last week’s use of chemical weapons left hundreds of civilians dead, majority of them women and children, and was condemned by the international community and termed as one of the most horrendous acts of this war which has claimed the lives of more than one hundred thousand Syrians since its break up.

None of the sides have claimed the responsibility of this attack and both the sides have blamed the other for using chemical weapons. With this attack, there was immense pressure on Syrian government from the international community. Three days before, Syrian government agreed to let the UN inspection team visit and inspect the point of incidence so that it should be clear that who might have carried out this heinous act. Till last reports, UN team was busy in the affected area but according to the experts, it would be very difficult to decide upon the side responsible for this chemical attack.

According to some experts, recent months have turned out to be very good in favor of the forces of Syrian government and they were able to take back many areas from rebels in Hums. These victories increased the confidence of Bashar Al-Assad who congratulated his Army for these achievements and commended their efforts. According to the experts, this is not the situation that was expected and planned by the supporters of rebels which includes of US and other Western nations. It was needed that there should be change in strategy so that more international pressure should be brought on Assad’s government to force it kneel down. Assad’s government has also claimed that these chemical weapons were used by rebels and Western powers had provided them with these weapons.

Whatever may be the hidden facts behind these allegations, it is very alarming that there is going to be another war in the region which is already destabilized by unstable Iraq. Russia has warned United States not to open another war and having a look at the bitter experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan; US should avoid another such mistake.

At the same time, it is also the concern of all the peace loving people of the world that peace is the best and final remedy for all the problems in different corners of the world and war will not do any better to anyone. It is better that this lesson should be understood before jeopardizing the lives of millions of people of Syria and other countries of the region.