Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

National Security

A country’s national security is imperative. Workers, politicians, military personnel and other leaders in national security areas must be outstanding, hard working individuals dedicated to maintaining national safety standards. Thousands, perhaps millions of civilian lives depend upon the capabilities of these few – there is absolutely no underestimating their importance.

Leaders in national security need to have a variety of desirable traits. Much of an individual’s leadership skills in this area depend upon ethical values. A leader in national security must have strict ethical and moral codes deeply embed into their personality. This will keep them fair and just, even in the face of difficult decisions. Prejudices have no place in the mindset of natural security leaders, especially when regarding other nationalities, religions or races. National security leaders are also fundamental in negotiations and war efforts, so their opinions must remain as clear and uncorrupted as possible.

Another key characteristic to a national security necessity is the desire to protect. It is the responsibility of these leaders to keep the nation safe. Therefore they must be willing and able to do everything in their power to protect their homeland. Such a determination requires effective and informed decision making, along with an accurate assessment of national security threats. Another aspect to this characteristic is patriotism. It is difficult for any individual to give nearly everything for their country, unless they are dedicated to the ideals of the country. Fiercely patriotic, yet still levelheaded individuals make the best leaders in national security. This makes it far less likely for them to ever deceive their nation or partake in treasonous acts. National security for a nation such as Afghanistan is a critical obstacle because our security is not maintained in the best regarded way. Our people residing in different areas of Afghanistan are fearful because they are direly afraid of incidents and accidents caused by lack of security and self safety, they cannot trust the implemented policies in making our life safe and secure. In order to achieve security success we need to have an eligible and talented leader and leadership.

Ethical conduct, honesty, fairness, protectiveness, and patriotism are just a few of the key qualities in a national security leader. These leaders should also have additional leadership skills, including: the ability to work cooperatively with others; the ability to inspire and motivate staff; the ability to improve implemented systems and policies; the ability to enforce regulations and the ability to stay up to date on current information, technology and other facets regarding national security.