Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Promising Political Arrangements

With less than a month remaining for the registration of Presidential candidates, we are witness to new political arrays which are fundamentally the ones made during two previous presidential elections. In the first presidential election which was held in 2004, huge number of candidates nominated themselves for election in spite of certainty of having no chance to win. The voting went on the lines of community which latter on became a mistaken basis for ethnic percentage of total population.

For example, Mr. Haji Mohammad Mohaqiq, the leader of Hezb-e-Wahdat Mardom Afghanistan won around 12 percent of votes casted on the basis of which some ministries tried not to recruit more than 12 percent in order to consider the so-called proportionate communal justice. For example, till last year Hazaras were allowed to be recruited more than eleven percent in military. Thus, the Kankour exam of National Army Academy was too tough for Hazaras as thousands used to take part in exam.

But seemingly, the situation is turning better. Unlike previous time we may not face with huge number of candidates, representing particular ethnic group. Even if too many candidates go for nomination, they will not represent a particular ethnic group.

I do not claim that people may not vote on the basis of ethnicity. Rather it is highly possible but certainly it may not be like previous elections. This time, part of the people will go for cross ethnic and lingual figures. Despite having candidates from one particular ethnic group, a candidate may not succeed to gain the entire votes of his ethnicity. This time, people will cast their vote for figures who have become popular as national figures. These gentlemen may count on votes they may receive from different ethnic groups.

Secondly, we have not been witness to different kinds of coalitions and alliances formation. Figures from different ethnic groups are sitting together, bargaining and trying to exercise diplomatic measures to achieve their goals. Such measures on one hand show that Afghan politicians are increasingly becoming familiar with democratic norms, and trying to respect the decision of civilians, and on other hand, eliminate misconceptions and false assumptions. Sitting together, having lunch and discussing the ground situation, they may finally end up that they can cooperate with one another instead of previously pointing guns toward one another.

If we pass the upcoming election with no major incident, it is highly possible that Afghanistan will have much brighter future and we will be witness to emergence of real and cross sect, language and ethnic political parties that will play effective role in institutionalization of democracy.