Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Taliban’s Atrocities on National Highway!

Few days earlier, nine persons coming from Kandahar to Kabul were captured by Taliban on the way and were slaughtered on the spot. Then they left the spot with all the ease and security forces were not able to reach there to disturb them. These men were workers in a construction company in Helmand and were returning to their homes after earning the bread for their family members.

One of the main such incidents also occurred on 6th day of Eid when four men were captured on the highway between Kabul and Kandahar and were slaughtered by Taliban. Again, these innocent people were poor laborers who worked in a company in Kandahar.

In recent months, these sad incidents have considerably increased and people are left prey to the cruel atrocities of Taliban. It is also on record that number of incidents in which one or two people were captured, hijacked, injured or killed by Taliban is innumerable and these small incidents are not given much attention.

There were many protests by the transporters and citizens to stop these incidents but government and security forces appear to be helpless. It is worth mentioning here that, having a look at the sensitivity of this crucial highway, security forces have established check-posts at very close distances but even then, the activities of Taliban haven’t been affected too much. In the same way, number of oil tankers and goods containers being burnt down has horribly increased and if one is travelling from Kandahar to Kabul, he can see the burnt skeleton of hundreds of oil tankers and containers on the way.

Especially, the area between Ghazni and Kabul and most dangerous the Salar area of Maidan Wardak province is the graveyard of these containers and in recent months, thousands of such containers and tankers have been set ablaze. Dozens of drivers of these tankers and containers have also been shot dead on the spot. Sometimes, security forces get into clash with Taliban and exchange fire with them, but mostly Taliban manage to escape the spot and reach to their hideouts. Later on, they open the hell at another point on the highway.

Till now, government and security forces have acted non-professionally to tackle the situation. Whenever such complaints increase, some new check-posts are established and mobility of forces is increased which eases the tension for the time being. Then the security forces become relaxed and Taliban again become active.

It is necessary that Generals and top brains of our forces should make a long term plan so that these Taliban and other criminal factors should be plucked from their roots. Their hideouts should be destroyed, their sponsors should be caught and punished, their supply route should be demolished and their godfathers who are also present in the administration itself should be brought to justice. Without these solid steps, our people would always be shivering with fear before starting a journey on this important highway of the country and it will also keep the financial activities under pressure.