Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Afghanistan Reaches to SAFF Final

Games have always played an important role in the lives of individuals and societies. They are not only a part of entertainment but, at the same time, an important reason for better health conditions. Moreover, they are also an opportunity for different nations of the world to make themselves known to the world and earn pride by achieving great performances. Today, there are many nations of the world that are recognized because of the particular sports they have performed in. In addition, the players who have won distinctions in different games are mostly recognized along with the names of their countries.

Games are also very much helpful in developing social interactions and strengthening them to a great extent. The most important thing that it teaches the sportsmen is the team work. The players, being parts of different teams, learn to manage social interactions and relations and start mastering the very basic rule of the society, which is social interdependence. On the other hand the games are also very much helpful in strengthening the ties between the nations. Two nations competing in a game can have better understanding of each other's culture and tradition, which can help in bringing the nations closer to each other.

The games can also be helpful in keeping the members of a society away from the negative activities. They have always been considered as useful tools in reducing the use of drugs, crimes and other unconstructive activities. There are different sports events throughout the world that attract people to a great extent, bring them together and at the same time provide a huge amount of entertainment. Football is one of the games that has millions of fans around the world and is played in most of the countries around the world. Afghanistan is one of the countries where this game is played with great zeal and enthusiasm. One of the events in South Asia relevant to this popular game is South Asian Football Federation (SAFF) Football Championship, that includes the following countries; Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Afghanistan.

Currently SAFF Football Championship is underway in Katmandu and Afghanistan has qualified for the final match after winning the semifinal against the hosts Nepal. On Sunday, Sept. 13, after an interesting match Afghanistan outclassed the hosts by a single goal. All the players in Afghan team really played very well and did not lose their confidence in front of 20,000 of the ‘Away’ spectators. Winning this match did not only raise the confidence of the players but brought good name to the country as well. It is hoped that Afghanistan is going to show best performance in the final match that will be played with one of the two other teams that have qualified for semifinal – India and Maldives.

Keeping in mind the preparations and the facilities that the Afghan sportsmen get, it is really encouraging to see such a performance by the Afghan team. All they require for the final is the support of the entire nation. If they are able to defeat their opponent and win any title, it will be a great achievement for Afghanistan that has been suffering because of tragic news of violence and disturbances every day.