Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Baradar May be Released

The peace process with Taliban seems to be getting on the right track; however, there are concerns as this track seems to be very much narrow and a small carelessness may make Afghanistan and Pakistan go astray. Both the countries need to be very vigilant while pursuing their path as they both need each other’s support more than anything else.

Pakistan, after the release of seven Taliban members last week, has now decided, at least in principle, to release Abdul Ghani Baradar, who used to be one of the most senior members of Afghan Taliban.

Sartaj Aziz, Pakistan’s national security advisor said in an interview, “Islamabad could release him as this month to jumpstart the struggling peace process”; however, he would not be handed over to Afghan government. He, talking to a foreign news agency, said, “… He will not be handed over to Afghanistan.” Most probably he would be made a part of peace talks in Saudi Arabia or Turkey, where the reports suggest new Taliban office would be established, after the failure to establish Taliban’s office in Qatar.

Baradar is considered as very important member and it is believed that he would be able to play a vital role in initiation of peace talks with Taliban. Afghan government had been seeking the cooperation of Pakistan for his release.

With the installation of new government in Pakistan and after the visit of Afghan President Hamid Karzai to Islamabad, the Af-Pak relations seem to be becoming better. There have been many periods of mistrusts and blame-games, but the understanding that both the countries need to sit together to attain peace and stability appears to be finding place in the minds of the leaders on both sides. The circumstances and truths also favor a cooperative relation between the two countries.

Though Pakistan’s step to release Baradar would be an important one, the real task is to initiate a participatory and reliable peace process and both the countries along with the United States need to take care of the important factors, like the nature of the peace talks, the participants in it, the venue for it, the conditions that will set forth in the talks and ultimately the outcomes of the talks. Releasing Taliban members from prison is not the solution itself; rather it is a step towards it. The important factor is to follow the peace talks in the favor of people of Afghanistan as they have been suffering from insecurity and stability to a large extent.