Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Jawad Zahak Assassinated

Only few days later than blowing the Takhar provincial governor office and murder of General Dawood Dawood, the northern police zone chief, and Takhar's provincial police chief, Taliban made another successful high profile assassination. On Tuesday June 07, 2011, the dead bodies of Bamyan's provincial council head and four of his fellows were left across the road in Parwan Province, on the way from Kabul to the central Bamyan. Jawad Zahaak, was on his way to neighboring Parwan Province on Saturday when a group of armed men abducted him last Friday.

Marking the rapidly spreading insecurity across the country, his assassination indicates further spread of insecurity to the previously secure areas. Southern provinces were the first restive areas that let violence spread to the Western and Northern provinces. Grappling with the growing insurgency in north, the nation is now disappointedly observing militants' penetration to the peaceful central Hazarajat.

Zahak served as chief of Bamyan's provincial council, where he vividly displayed the essence of peaceful demonstration and civil protests against the unjust policies of the central government and the international community's inattention to the motherland of peace and tolerance, the Bamyan province. While a bigger part of the country is set ablaze by militants and require the government and its international allies to pour more funds there to appease Taliban, the derelict Bamyan, symbolized by Jawad Zahak's peaceful protests, put into practice a variety of civil ways to prove to the government that Afghanistan needed the peaceful approaches in the chaotic post-Taliban Afghanistan.

In a civil move to awaken the government authorities to give heed to the peaceful central provinces, he initiated mud-asphalting Bamyan streets. Carrying the statue of a kerosene lamp by peaceful protestors was also of his initiatives to institutionalize the civil demonstrations in the violence-plagued Afghanistan. Irrespective of how effective the struggles have been, it helped promoting peaceful attitudes in a country that most needed practicing tolerance, integrity and peaceful oppositions.
Having lost another prominent supporter of peace and civil initiatives, the nation is more afraid of further catastrophic incidents to be imposed against them.

The National Security Directorate announced few days back that Taliban had decided to target the high ranking officials with the Northern Alliance membership in their record. The recent terrorist attacks against government and non-government officials confirm the intelligence. Adopting a new tactic, the militants have turned to high profile assassinations. This, like any of their changing tactics, will put the government and the nation in a more intractable situation. However, the deteriorating situation comes more from the government impractical appeasement policies rather than strong capacity of the Taliban fugitives.

During the last few years, the government has more and more offered peace talks with the militants than it has planned of a reality-based strategy to get rid of this scourge. It has led to a great distrust between the government and the nation, an ominous fact that has provided greater opportunities for Taliban militants to enhance their presence in more provinces with more mercenaries being recruited. The only choice left for the nation and the government is to put an end to the impractical, counterproductive placating policies and stand steadfast against the rigid terrorism.