Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Deal on Syrian Chemical Weapons!

After the agreement between the governments of United States and Russia over the chemical weapons of Syria, the danger of war has been thwarted, which relieved all those who feared another war and destruction in the region. According to the media reports, Assad government has agreed to discard all its chemical weapons by mid 2014 and a list of these weapons will be provided to the international community by Assad government in a week. By November of this year, UN inspectors will be given access to these weapons and by mid of 2014, it will be made sure that these weapons should be discarded safely. It will also be taken care that none of these weapons should escape Syria and all of them should be destroyed.

The US and Russian governments have reached upon an accord which includes of the following six main points:

  1. After an accurate estimation of these toxic weapons, the weapons will be handed over to the international control.
  2. Syria will have to make a comprehensive detail of its chemical weapons.
  3. Special arrangements will be made to enhance the pace of handover of these weapons to the international community.
  4. Syria will permit complete access to the UN weapons inspectors to the sites of weapons.
  5. All the chemical weapons will be completely destroyed.
  6. United Nations will provide with technical and logistic support in this regard.

According to Russian foreign minister, it has not been mentioned in the agreement that in case of violation of this agreement by the Syrian government, there should be any kind of military operation against it. At the same time, US president Barack Obama and Foreign secretary John Kerry have insisted that in case of non-compliance with this agreement, serious action can be taken against the regime government. With this agreement, the US has pulled back from its insistence for the use of military power against the Syrian government. At the same time, it has been stated that talks would be soon initiated to resolve the Syrian conflict and bring an acceptable end to this problem which has eaten away the lives of hundreds of thousands of Syrians.

This accord is the clear victory of all those who were looking to stop any kind of military action against Syria that may have given birth to serious consequences for the region. It is said that international media, especially the US media played its active role to stop the Barack Obama administration from pulling Americans into another war. It is hoped that this agreement would surface grounds for further negotiations so that the sufferings of Syrians should be brought to a peaceful end.