Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Awful Facts about Suicide Bombers

‘Suicide bombing’ and ‘suicide bombers’ are very familiar terms in Afghan society now. Using suicide bombers, the insurgents have targeted both security forces and civilians so many times that even the children know what they are and what they do; even they have started playing “suicide bombing” games.

Suicide bombers are actually the fanatics who are misguided and misused by insurgents for their filthy purposes. It is really very much unfortunate to mention that suicide bombers can be bought and sold. They have, in fact, become a part of business, which supports terrorism and instability.

There can be various reasons for a suicide bomber to carry out a bombing. However, the most important is that they are conditioned in such a way that they get ready even to explode themselves in order to kill others and find a place in heaven which is mostly promised to them by their leaders. The other reasons include too much ignorance and economic hardships. Blinded by their faith and compelled by the difficulties in their lives, the youngsters find no difficulty in opting to become suicide bombers.

The circumstance and environment wherein suicide bombers are nourished and trained is very much pathetic and show the true picture of those who claim that suicide bombing is used for sacred purposes. A recent statement by National Directorate of Security (NDS) reveals some very dismal facts. NDS statement on Monday, September 23, said that suicide bombers are sexually abused and raped while they are trained on how to carry out suicide attack and terrorist activities, in their training camps.   

The statement revealed that a suicide bomber named Nematullah, who was arrested in Herat province, confessed that he was sexually abused along with many others who were receiving suicide training.

Nematullah further added that he received suicide attack training by militant leader Mullah Ahmad also known as Mullah Akhtar, and was sent to Adraskan district for suicide attack.

He said the militant leaders, Mullah Nasim and Mullah Akhtar were giving tablets to suicide bombers and were repeatedly abusing them sexually, after they were affected by medicine and were getting unconscious.

Militants mostly use children as suicide bombers as they can be easily dragged towards such activities and at the same time can be sexually abused. Such of their acts are totally against humanity and Islam and after such actions; they are not even justified to call themselves Muslims, let alone their war against Afghan and foreign security forces.