Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Peshawar Church Blast Resurfaced Minorities’ Plight

Amidst the rumors of talks between Taliban and Pakistani government the insurgents have multiplied their activities. The former tragic attack on Christian church in capital of insurgency hit province Khaibar Pakhthun-Khuwa, Peshawar manifests the underlying truth. It was Sunday afternoon and the congregation was to begin; a huge crowd was roaming within the church, which was packed with men, women, and children, when the two suicide bombers rushed towards the crowd and detonated themselves; one inside the church the other outside after having been stopped by police.      

Reportedly the blast claimed 80 dead and over 200 injured. Subsequently the whole country echoed with protests in solidarity with victims of deceased families. The carnage had not been claimed by any group by late afternoon.

Leaders of all parties abhorred the killing and the Pakistani president and the prime minister were straightforward in their condemnation but no orders were issued relative to immediate apprehension of assassins.

Nevertheless, with exception to religious minorities the Muslim minorities are not safe and sound either. Ahmadis are another minority who are deprived of their rights and left in a miserable state. Hazara community living in capital of Baluchistan province, are too passing through similar mayhem. According to reports surfaced, over 1200 Hazaras are butchered, till date. Over previous thirteen years they were left to mercy of deliberate killing of some religiously motivated militant group who vociferously claimed the responsibilities yet none of the culprits are brought to court. There can be no justification for this, no deception, no regrets.

Every human commands equal respect and fair treatment based on sacred bond humanity grants. The division of man being on variant grounds be that religious, sectarian or ethnic is never meant to serve their butchery is unacceptable and unjustifiable either. Whether they are other sects within Islam or other religions, the violent extremist wants to eliminate all others and produce a society in which only a particular version of Islamic interpretation rules over the people.

Taliban seem to be striving hard to acquire the position of strength preparing to coerce the government for peace talk. They are using every tactics and scores of ways to demonstrate their dominant position. The truth being is the former killing of an army general and murder of score of Christians, puts serious question on the status of nascent dialogue process with the TTP which is about to begin? Be they, Christians, Hazaras, Ahmadis, and Shias, all are passing through irreversible harms and losses and constantly expecting, may their sufferings translate into willingness in government coming up with a proper solution to their very grave lingering issue?