Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Need for Social Consciousness

It is important for a human being to be well aware of the society wherein he lives. He needs to have such consciousness because it would be possible for him to understand his role, status, rights and responsibilities. In this way he would be able to play a positive role in the society.

Socio-political consciousness helps the individuals in the society to make maximum use of collective life as it is through social life that human beings have made marvelous achievements. The tasks and accomplishments, which are otherwise impossible to be fulfilled, become very usual and are attained without much effort through cooperative undertakings. 

Socio-political consciousness is not one of the qualities that exist within human instincts. It has to be developed within him through proper nourishment and inculcation. Socialization plays a very important role in this regard. Children who are born in a society do not necessarily become social in the real sense of the word. Especially in today’s society when the people have become very much mechanical and materialistic it is difficult to find children get easily associated with the social and political groups. Social isolation is widespread and social interactions are now maintained through technology. In such a scenario it is really important that children are socialized appropriately and this has to be inculcated in them that their relation with the society is of great importance and they have a responsibility towards the environment wherein they live.

It is definitely easier to live a lonely life and always be confined to one’s comfort zone. However, it is really important for socio-politically conscious individual to come out of his comfort zone and be counted within the social life. It is also important that an individual should be the part of diversity, and must strive to intermingle with others so as to learn from them. It will also develop a sense of tolerance for others and supports in maintaining harmony.

Showing compassion and empathy can play an incredible part in getting closer to others and tightening the social bonds. Realizing the pain of others when they are hurt and understanding their position is really imperative to invigorate the social responsibility. Courtesy and responsiveness are also necessary in this regard. It is also important for an individual, who desires to develop socio-political consciousness, to be ready to listen to others and ask them for feedback regarding his attitude and behavior.

Nonetheless, it should be kept in mind that the boundary between what is social and what is personal should never be violated as it is one of the basic requirements of consciousness. Being overly social may disrupt the social bonds and affiliations, and may even generate conflicts.