Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Reward of Being Peaceful

With no significant attention from government and the international community, the problems faced by the peaceful and historical province of Bamiyan have gone multiplying. No electric power, rough and dirty roads, lack of development projects and health centers are the problems that residents of the province have to deal with on daily basis. Bamiyan is located in the heart of Afghanistan holding a high historical importance because of the centuries old precious statues of Buddhas situated in the province. If the Taliban era destructed its Buddhas, the last ten years - considered era of democracy and inflow of international aids - have gifted a feeling of deprivation to the people of Bamiyan.

Over the last 12 years, Bamiyan has been the most peaceful province of Afghanistan where people pursue democratic values, focus on education, allow women to participate in social and political life and support government and efforts of the international community. It is not so that peace in Bamiyan is due to attention from central government or NATO in Afghanistan but because its people are so peaceful that insurgents fail to enhance their presence and activities among them. Foreigners roam freely within the city without any security guards. This is not possible for them even in capital Kabul where hundreds of security forces are deployed.

But what has been the reward of being so peaceful? From the billions of international aids Afghanistan has received over the last decade, Bamiyan has insignificantly benefited. At times when certain provinces in the south, despite being highly insecure, have gained more focus and certain development and reconstruction projects have either been completed or are ongoing, Bamiyan continues to remain grabbed by problems. It seems like the Buddhas –destructed by Taliban in 2001-, Bamiyan itself has no good fate either.

Also, no attention has been paid to promote the tourism in this province which should generate revenue to the government and bring economic betterment to lives of its residents. The reasons for why things are not changing for Bamiyan are many but government’s unjust allocation of development funds can be conceived the major one. Bamiyan as peaceful, mineral-rich and historic province, needs to be given priority and immediate attention.

Disappointing for the people of Bamiyan is that millions of dollars are spend on the so-called peace reconciliation program, insurgents are blessed with monetary rewards and are provided with occupations but Bamiyan is ignored. The people of Bamiyan in agony due to poverty, lack of electricity, devastated infrastructure, and nonexistence of development projects. All provinces of Afghanistan should be treated equally at least in regards of development projects, creation of job opportunities, and alleviation of poverty and allocation of budget. The reward of being peaceful should not be deprivation and lack of attention or else condition will never improve in Afghanistan.