Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Personality-Centered Political System

The registration for the presidential candidacy ended and there are 27 candidates who have registered their names. The process was not controversial and ended without any dramatic event. However, there are certain characteristics of Afghan politics that have shown themselves evidently.

The nomination shows that the Afghan politics is personality-centered as the candidates and their alliances are totally on the basis of personality traits. In some cases, the egoistic behaviors of the personalities shattered the alliances that had history of few years and in others they have made the bargains that were not expected at all. In short, so far the scene has been dominated by personalities.

The lack of political parties in Afghan political system has always hindered the growth of political institutions. The institutions that, in fact, strengthen the pillars of democracy in a country have been neglected to a large extent and people have pursued personalities for their political solutions. Unfortunately, the system has only ended in highly centralized institutions that lack the basic principles of democracy.

It would be interesting to note how these candidates will run their political campaign and what will be their main slogans. There is no alliance among the present nominations that has had a history of political ideology or political motives or incentives. These alliances are formed on the basis of urgency and temporary concurrence, keeping in view the possibility of personal advantages that may be achieved after winning the elections.

People have also adopted the same attitude. As the politicians are not able to understand and respect the worth and growth of institutions, how would the people do the same. Therefore, they have already started talking about the candidates in the perspective of their personality traits. They are discussing how brave and how honest a particular candidate has been and how corrupt and disrespectful the others have been to a particular community or ethnic group. They do not seem in the mood to ask the candidates about their motto, about their political inclinations or ideology; all they care about is their personalities, their ethnic groups and even their physical qualities.

With such a perspective it would be very difficult to choose a leader for the nation who would be able to foresee the challenges Afghan society would have to face after the withdrawal of international troops from Afghanistan and design strategies and tactics to face those challenges. Afghan people are, therefore, asked to change their criteria of electing their leaders. They have to make sure that their leaders have political wisdom and understanding and can guide Afghan nation through the complex game of politics in the times to come.