Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

On the Road to Presidential Election

With approach of Presidential election, the political skirmishes are also on bud. Politicians and election runners who were trying their best to be cautious about their behaviors and statements in order not to lose the chance to make alliances and coalitions have started taking position against their rivals. After months long bargain in absence of public eyes, many wings have apparently announced their presence in the ground. But the possibility of so-called new political merging and amalgamation still has remained strong. The potential runners will try their best to attract smaller groups to pull back in their favor. Meanwhile, it is not clear how many of present nominees will finally decide to avoid going for the costly campaign in exchange of receiving cash or promises for having certain role in the next power structure.

Hence, the political bargain will continue among influential figures and presidential election nominees perhaps with further robust. Within the coming weeks and months, it becomes clear that which fronts would have larger chances of success. It should be noticed that there are some candidates who themselves understand that they are not able to win the election meanwhile have registered their names. They are just waiting for time to merge and join hands with a potential winner in order to have a certain status rather than running an election whose result for them will be waste of time and resources. So, this category of candidates are looking after opportunity to find the potential runner and get their share and go away from the campaign-field unlike nominees in previous elections.

Meanwhile, still there is a large number of nominees. So, the number will decrease by the approach of election. Some potential runners may also engage in serious talks to develop stronger front and defeat their rivals. Necessarily, part of this new competition will comprise taking stronger position. Nominees will try their best to lessen the popularity of their oppositions during electoral campaign in order to decrease the chances of their rivals.

Therefore, though few days have not passed from registration of nominees, two very interesting things have taken place. First of all, General Abdul Rashid Dostom’s apology for the wars and killings came forward and secondly the allegation of Atta Mohammad Noor, Balkh Provincial Governor and a key member of Jamiat-e-Islami Afghanistan came to the front. Gen. Abdul Rashid Dostom has been a very key player in politics of Afghanistan since the start of Jihad against former USSR. His alliance with ruling communist regime of Dr. Najib who indeed has become very popular among new generation of Afghanistan for his patriotism dealt serious below to Mojaheedin’s fronts. And when he decided to turn back to the government and switched side, he put the breath of ex-government in count. After the collapse of communist government, however he continued playing effective role in power struggle. Though he closely worked with communist government and fought against Mojaheedin leaders who later on rose to power but he played very clever, keeping his status and protecting his community. Those who are familiar with power struggle popped up after the collapse of Dr. Najib government understand that despite each movement (party) had suffix or prefix of “Islam” but all somehow were built on the ethnic and communal line which still continues. So, in such power struggle he was representing the Uzbek ethnic group. Meanwhile he cleverly diverted major threats against his ethnic group through smart alliance.

With such background, he openly presented apology for miseries caused due to Jihadi leaders power struggle and asked others to do the same thing. His apology indeed is major movement toward democratization of Afghanistan. Influential leaders who could not build a government unity and turned their arms against one another are blamed for miseries that left hundreds of thousands of death. Now he dared to confess that they are blamed for such mayhem.

Secondly, the allegation of Mr. Atta sparked severe discussions. He claimed that President Karzai offered him money to support from his favorite candidate! However, he later on tried to modify his statement saying that it was misinterpreted, but seemingly the effort did not go well due to frankness of earlier expression. So, his statement clearly undermines the prestige of President Karzai who has continually said that he will not support from any particular group. It is hoped that with the tightening competition, many secrets will be revealed, which will help people to have a better and realistic picture of their rulers instead of former complicated and mysterious figures who were kept distant from public judgment.