Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Assassination inside the Mosque

The murder of Arsala Jamal, governor Logar province, while he was addressing the people inside a mosque on the occasion of Eid ul Azha on Tuesday indicates how the insurgents use religious places and ceremonies to reach their targets and ruin the joy of the people. Jamal, 47, was a close confidant of President Hamid Karzai and served as his campaign manager during the 2009 presidential election. He also served as governor of the eastern Khost province until he was appointed to his current post in Logar in April. Also, 15 other people were injured in the incident.

There have been varying reports about the nature of the bomb blast that took life of the governor. Some say the bomb was planted inside the microphone in the front part of the mosque while others say it was hidden inside Quran, the holy book of Muslims.

Although immediately no group took responsibility for the attack, according to sources, the Taliban have recently announced that they were behind the killing. The Taliban have also warned the people to stay away from government officials. Targeted killing of high government officials and people who have been somehow connected to the Karzai administration have continued since long in Afghanistan. Certain high-profile politicians, tribal leaders, high-ranking military and police officers, MPs, ministers and members of High Peace Council (HPC) have been murdered by the Taliban over the last years. The government has failed to stop the trend.

The National Security Directorate said that the explosives which killed the Logar Provincial Governor was devised inside holy Quran, the most respected and holy book for the entire Muslims irrespective of sects. Releasing some photos in video clips, the directorate expressed that unlike previous assumptions that explosives were devised in microphone were actually devised inside Holy Quran. The video clips showcase burned pieces of Holy Quran at the explosion scene.

It is worth mentioning that the incident has taken place inside a mosque which is considered the safest place by the Muslims. Therefore, it should be condemned in strongest words. The incident reflects the worst technique of the insurgents which is using religion and sacred places like mosques as tools for launching terror attacks. Murder of the governor inside a mosque brings forward the heinous face and intentions of the terrorists and further strengthens the belief that they are not working for the benefit of Islam but for its destruction.

In addition the attack was carried out on Eid-e-Qurban day. Eid-e-Qurban is a religious festival when all Muslims those who have capacity should go to Mecca, the holiest city in Islam for practicing pilgrimage. On this day, the prophet Ibrahim (A.S), the grandfather of Jewish prophet, Yaqoob (A.S) got a message from Allah Almighty to slaughter his son, Esmail (A.S), for the sake of Allah Almighty. It said that Esmail (A.S) was the most beloved sons of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S). On the very same day, Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) takes his son to sacrifice him for the sake of Allah. At the end Allah Almighty sent him a sheep to slaughter instead of his son. So, after thousands of years, Muslims follow the same thing as part of their religious ritual. It is considered one of the holiest days for Muslims when tens of millions of Muslims follow the step of Prophet Ibrahim (A.S).

So, on such revered and holy day, the Taliban militants hide explosives inside the holiest book of Muslims for the sake of killing others, it really takes us deep into ocean of imagination how things are getting awkwardly strange! No doubt, Taliban kill people public employees, politicians, civil activities and etc. just in the name of religion. They think that they are holding Jihad against a government which coalesced with foreigners. Afghan people should understand that this kind of groups never care about what people believe. They use every single opportunity no matter how that hurt more than a billion Muslims for the sake of their own evil wishes. We, Afghans should be awaken that for them Mosques, Eid days and Holy Quran only find meaning if they help to reach their goals otherwise they can devise explosives inside them and explode inside a Mosque without feeling respect for them. If today we are not awaken, perhaps, we will never get rid of sufferings that such group deal in the name of Islam and religion.

As Afghanistan will move towards the crucial presidential election and withdrawal of NATO troops, it is feared the insurgency might get more strength. This will pose serious threat to the little security prevailing in Afghanistan. Suicide bombings, roadside bombs, targeted killings and face to face clashes between militants and Afghan security forces might increase. People are now more concerned about their future; more than ever before in the past 12 years.