Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Institutions are to be Valued

In the modern world of ours the institutions have a very imperative role to play. The more human beings have become organized in their endeavors, the more they have been institutionalized. The institutions have assisted human beings in myriads of ways. It is because of the institutions that human beings have been able to achieve great milestones, which if had been strived for individually, could never have been achieved. The modern countries of the world have well-developed institutions that have been supporting them to a great extent.

The institutions, that are well-managed, multiply the human capacities and energy and converge them to a focal point. Therefore, the achievement of incentives becomes much feasible. It is through the condition of the institution and their mutual interaction that the nature of a society is judged to a certain extent. The economist, sociologists and political scientists in the modern world study the role and the interaction of the institutions thoroughly to understand the prevailing and the upcoming scenario in their disciplines.

As far as countries like Afghanistan are concerned, the institutions here have not been able to develop in the modern sense of the word. Being dominantly tribal, these countries have their institutions under the control of few individuals. The land lords, tribal and religious leaders hijack the institutions for their own self- centered purposes and institutions do nothing more than serving their demands. That is exactly what is going on in our country. The tribal leaders have the complete authority, which they mostly inherit from their ancestors.

The same attitude has even crept into our public and social institutions. Even the political institutions which claim to function in a democratic system are dominated by the individuals. The political parties do not establish their motto in collaboration with the common members of the party rather they are established by few leaders in their cozy abodes. Though the government claims that it has been formed through the votes of the people, it hardly represents the people as a whole. It just fulfills the egocentric demands of the few who are on the top. The true democracy demands that the political institutions should be run on the principles of providing maximum good to the largest number of people who are a part of it, but our institutions are just on the contrary.

It should be carefully noted that we would not be able to make achievements towards a modern, democratic and better society unless we strengthen our institutions, and make them free from individual dominance based on tribal norms and values. An institution should always be given priority over an individual as far as the greater good of large number of people is guaranteed.