Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Silence to Blasphemy of Militants

Last week, Arsala Jamal, the provincial governor of Logar province was killed in suicide bombing while he was about to deliver speech for worshipers gathered for Eid-ul-Adha prayer in Puli-e-Alam Grand Mosque. Initially, it was said that explosive was devised inside microphone but later on, the National Security Directorate (NSD) said that their findings show that it was inside Holy Quran.

Certainly, the name of Taliban and al-Qaeda militants has become synonyms with heinous actions and inhuman activities. They always brag for their shameful activities. They have devised explosives inside the coffins, killing innocent mourners, burning schools where versions of Holy Quran were also burned. But this time it was the most outrageous and blasphemous deed that Taliban committed but with much regret remained aside to ocean of public anger and bigots.

Holy Quran is the most revered book for all Muslims. It is the last heavenly book that Allah Almighty has sent for guidance of human beings in the hand of his last Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). Muslims believe that this book contends guidelines which will lead to eternal bliss of human beings and describes the true meaning of the world. In other words, this book explains the true meaning of life on the earth and why Allah Almighty has ever created the human beings and, of course, this world. It is not exaggeration if it is claimed that the entire philosophy, jurisprudence, hadith and theology sprung up to interpret this book. All different religious sects and schools of thoughts within Islam generally stick to Holy Quran for proving its authenticity. If anything is found not in line with verses of Holy Quran that is wrong.

All Muslims irrespective of sects believe that Quran is the words of Allah Almighty and He is the omnipotent and void of mistake. Therefore, what is said in it is infallible and indubitable. A Muslim never doubts to a word of Holy Quran. Everything linked to their religious believes must be in line with it.

So, Taliban are putting explosives inside such sacred and revered book to kill worshipers. What can this action reflect? Worse than that is silence of Afghans, particularly religious leaders. When an unknown priest decided to burn verses of Holy Quran, we observed a Muslim-worldwide protest. Here people cut the neck of innocent Nepalese who had nothing to do with the incident, but when Taliban make blasts inside Mosques and kill worshipers, all are turning deaf ears to such satanic and blasphemous deed. When a civil law for women rights are introduced to parliament, MPs burst in anger that it does not follow the true verses of Holy Quran, but when it comes to exploding holy Quran all keep their mouth shut. It can be the most outrageous crime against Muslims. I hope our religious scholars and those who claim themselves as guardian of Islam should get awaken and notice burning of Holy Quran as offensive; whether it is committed by a priest or an Insurgent Mullah.