Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Contradictory Interpretation of IEC’s Decision

After the release of preliminary list of candidates, it appeared that majority of presidential nominees could not complete the condition set by IEC. According to statements of IEC officials, 30 percent of conditions were compromised in preliminary list of presidential nominees. Meanwhile those who were rejected have protested the decision saying that the process was influenced by government.

However, the names of 16 nominees from total 26 who registered their names to run the 2014 presidential election were omitted but none of them was deemed strong enough to win the election. Among the 16 disqualified nominees, there is not name of any potential figure to lounge on the presidential seat.

The main reason behind disqualification of nominees was announced not having signatures of 100,000 supporters and dual citizenship. Meanwhile they are given the chance to protest against the decision and, if they succeed, they can rewrite their names on the final list of presidential candidates.

The announcement of ineligibility for nominees who were not strong competitors has reflected into two contradictory ways: one, the country moves towards dictatorship and second towards deepening of democracy. These two contradictory views from the decision of Independent Election Commission indeed originate from dubious socio-political environment. Anything that happens can be explained with quite obvious reasons but people like to listen a different abstract and mostly unrealistic explanation linking everything to some inexistent hands of foreign countries and etc. Unfortunately, this kind of public psycho has led to confusing analysis of socio-political issues. People instead of trying to find out true reasons behind incidences are to wrap them in veil of vagueness.

Therefore, from a particular incident, two extremely contradictory interpretations are provided. The first category as ineligible candidates claimed the process was entirely influenced directly by government; otherwise, why key figures that allegedly have dual citizenships were not disqualified. So, based on this argument presidential office is engaged in orchestrating the election in order to lobby for his favorite nominee.

On other hand, some others are happy with the decision and deem it as success of democracy. Based on their view, smaller number of nominees not only ends confusing long list but also shows that IEC acts independently and wants to put into practice its conditions. However, still there is time for finalization of the list, but certainly a lesser number of candidates makes common civilians get rid of confusion regarding whom they should elect.