Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

NSA and Spying

World politics is quite heated up these days with the revelations that an American spy agency, National Security Agency (NSA) was tracing the phone records of thousands of European citizens which also included some of the prominent political figures of Europe including the German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Reports have been leaked according to which her phone was under surveillance for the last ten years. This report has enraged all the European leaders and masses who think it as the violation of their sovereignty by the United States.

Two days before, a mass protest was arranged in the capital Washington where protestors protested against the acts of NSA. They had placards and shouted slogans in favor of Edward Snowden, the former NSA operator, who is now in Russia and wanted by the United States for treason after he disclosed the operations of NSA of spying on different countries. These revelations have also affected badly the relations between the United States and European countries where this act is regarded as interference in the national affairs of these countries.

The top German Newspaper also revealed that ‘special collection units’ are working in US embassies of more than 80 countries in which 19 are European countries. These allegations have also threatened the fate of intelligence cooperation between US and a number of European countries and Angela Merkel said in Brussels in the European Union conference that, ‘With this air of doubt, the continuity of intelligence cooperation may be very difficult.’ In the same way, the American ambassador for Spain was called for an explanation about the accusations of tracing the phones of Spanish citizens and political leaders.

It is not the first occasion that such information has been leaked when a US spy agency was found in spying outside its limits. In past as well, there has been great hue and cry against the acts of CIA and other state secret services of US for recording the phone calls or tracing other activities of the prominent figures and citizens of different countries.

It is also a sad reality that the strong and technologically advanced countries of world cross their limits and get involved in illegal activities for their objectives. In this regard, they not only ignore the laws of their own country but also violate the laws of other countries and in a way, violate the sovereignty of other countries. With all these accusations, there is also present the possibility that our top government secrets are also in danger and there would definitely be the surveillance of top leaders and citizens. Like any other government of the world, our government also reserves the right to work for the protection of its sovereignty and freedom.