Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Slogans against USA

Iranian protestors once again chanted death to America on anniversary of attack on the embassy of the United States at start of Islamic revolution. This day has been celebrated for decades by Iranians. Thousands of people come together and chant anti-Israel, anti-America and generally anti-West slogans.

The Islamic republic came to power by the slogan of “no east and no west” but Islamic republic. Antagonism with Western countries, particularly, the US has been the very foundation of political tradition. It is not only a day but a symbol to reflect the entire political philosophy of the cleric regime. Irrespective of conservatives ruled the country or reformists, the day has been always celebrated with huge welcome. Because the radicals inside and outside of the government have always tried to keep the day alive as, unfortunately, rulers defined their policies in opposition to Western countries.

However, this year it was hanged amidst hesitation. However, no authorities talked of cancelling the day but it was largely circulated in the social networks. Meanwhile it was celebrated yesterday and the slogan of death to America was reverberating in the air. Saeed Jalili, the former nuclear chief negotiator, and presently the delegate of supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, was one of the main participants who delivered rhetorical speech. He defended the slogan of death to America but he emphasized that it did not mean the entire American Nation but small percentage of rulers who bully the rest of the world.

The hesitation originates from a new concept appeared after the transition of government from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to a reformist-tilted Hassan Rohani. Though he was not very popular among reformists. But he won the presidential election by slogan of a new approach to world. Since his presidency, he has taken serious steps toward opening a new door with Western countries. The diplomatic talks over Tehran’s nuclear program is welcomed by negotiator. There were also reports about bilateral talks between Iranian and American diplomats. To keep the negotiation process out of any trouble, few weeks ago, President pressed Congress to avoid new round of economic sanctions.

So, amidst endeavor to open a new door with Western countries, the celebration and its support leaves bad effects. Nobody can accept that death to America means to small portion of people. The US government represents the people’s will. If they did not represent common people then they would not have been elected.