Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Voters Discouraged

The deadline for registration of voters for next year’s presidential and provincial council elections finishes November 11. But Independent Election Commission (IEC) says the number of Afghans who have signed up for the election is quite low as less than quarter of eligible voters have registered themselves. Noor Mohammed Noor, who is spokesman for the IEC says that roughly 12 million Afghans are eligible to vote, but barely 2.7 million have registered so far of which nearly one million are women.

In an attempt to reach a larger percentage of the population, he said, the commission deployed mobile registration units across the country. But the turnout in some of the violence-wracked southern and eastern regions has been erratic.

In the prevailing security condition in Afghanistan, participating in the election process whether as a voter or as a candidate, is not risk-free. In a country where people’s life is at regular threat of terrorism conducting election face major challenges and obstacle. Life under Taliban was in a great danger. That danger still persists and those who encourage and support democratic values are at more risk. Therefore, before registering oneself as a voter, one has to think twice.   

Threats to election centers, IEC officials, candidates and voters persist and in previous elections the insurgents had even chopped off voters’ fingers. Based on initial assessment of Ministry of Interior 3,410 out of the 6,845 countrywide polling centers are insecure. The Taliban and other terror networks would leave no stone unturned to disrupt the election process by launching attacks on the government and the Afghan people. Such attacks have no doubt contributed to people’s discouragement.

Although providing 100% security to the polls next year would not be possible, it is not impossible to improve the situation in the coming months by launching targeted operations against insurgents across the country. Security of the upcoming elections will be highly dependent on the intention and will of the government. It is the government that must boost the morale of the people by taking them into confidence on their security during elections.

Although insignificant number of voters has been registered, the next presidential election holds great importance for the future of the country and must conducted based on the IEC schedule. It is hoped that the new government that will be formed as a result of people’s votes next year would put genuine efforts to address the challenges facing Afghanistan.