Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Israel Hates Washington-Tehran Relations

While the Western and Iranian diplomats are heralding of thawing the decades-long frozen relationship, some countries in the Middle East, including Israel, have secretly but sternly expressed concerns regarding any possible deal. However, there is a long range of unresolved issues that, even in the most optimistic scenario, needs time to allow the mutual relationship move smoothly, but a possible deal can indeed work as kingpin to end rest of issues. Seemingly, this is what appears worrisome for countries that wish the US to contain the Islamic Republic’s ambition.

So, now the government of President Obama has decided to give a chance to the new Iranian President Mr. Hassan Rohani. Some countries, however, find the probable Tehran-Washington relation against their interests.  On Wednesday, Nov. 12, Foreign Secretory of the State John Kerry warned Congress of imposing new economic sanctions, arguing that would put in danger the possible success of nuclear negotiations with Tehran. In a similar move, President Obama told members of Congress that if they wanted peaceful solution of Iran’s Nuclear Program, they should avoid imposition of new sanctions.

These statements show that President Obama is highly optimistic about striking deal with Tehran over its nuclear program and meanwhile has given a green signal to Islamic Republic about his seriousness. Perhaps, Iranians more than any nation in the Middle East love to have a democratic regime. High level of literacy rate and tremendous growth of middle class during last thirty years has created a flooding demand for an open and democrat society. So, if the decades-long suspicion starts undoing --- it should be emphasized that still it is a far-fetched desire because there are groups on both sides who are looking for pretext to spoil the opportunity---Iran can change into a dependable ally of the US in the Middle East. This is what many countries fear much.

For Israel which was successful in putting its policy parallel to International Community’s concerns now fear that possible strike can pave the way for Tehran to reach to its lasting desire---the nuclear technology. In the long term, if it works closely with UN inspectors and clear any doubt regarding its program, it may get consent of International Community to have nuclear technology like Japan, South Korea and several other countries. This very thing can change Iran from a non-nuclear armed country into a potentially armed ones! Because in the case of any foreign threat, it can violate its international commitment to develop one.