Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Taliban Supporters behind Opposition to BSA

As the participants of Grand Traditional Assembly or Loya Jirga are discussing whether to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) between the US or not, particular currents have taken harsh stance against it. Based on reports, during past few weeks, many monthly and weekly magazines changed into daily newspapers to stand against the signature of the BSA. Previously, Dr. Rangin Dadfar Spanta, the National Security Advisor while denoting to “National United Front and Counter to Foreign Military Bases” said that one of its key figures is in contact with the Taliban leaders. He also revealed that his phone call to a member of Quetta Council was detected. He also added that he had committed treachery against the national interest which is serious crime in the judicial system of Afghanistan.

Few days later, the 8 am daily newspaper released a report and attached with audio of Wahid Mozhdah who is a well-known analyzer in Afghan press and media. The audio tape which is said to belong to Wahid Mozhdah talks to Sayyeed Ahmad Haqqani, one of the Taliban leaders and members of Quetta Council, provide updates about the anti-BSA gatherings in Kabul. He tells that the draft of BSA, which is also uploaded on the site of the newspaper, is fake. He asked Haqqani to contact Haji Farid who was one of the organizers of the anti-BSA gathering.

The most interesting part of his telephone conversation is about his plead from Taliban leaders to change their declaration and claim that they are fighting for peace and stability. Those who are supporting the BSA are trying to sabotage peace and stability and prolong the war and instability in the country. He tells the leader of Taliban that they should claim that they are fighting only because of the presence of US forces. So, if they leave the country, there would not be any stumbling-block against peace!

So, it is not clear whether the person Security Advisor, Dr. Spanta talked of is Wahid Mozhdah or not but the main question is why no legal actions has been taken against him. There are prisoners who are jailed for stealing few thousand of AFS to fill the stomach of their family, but the insurgents live freely without any fear of persecution of detention. It can be figured out from tape that there are people who enjoy the very benefits of democracy and umbrella protection of the government while planning to oust it.

Does this fact suggest that even the government with the support of international community cannot touch them because when top national security advisor put the issue in the very house of the parliament, why that particular person is not arrested? If the answer is negative, then why with such huge document at disposal of security establishments which even found way to the media are walking freely. They are misusing the very freedom of speech provided by the very fledgling democracy to destroy it!

I think it is time for Afghans to learn from the past and do not repeat the same mistake. Everybody knows that Taliban have actions have proved to be negative for Afghans. The atrocities that they have been committing against Afghan civilians and security forces are not even comparable to the ones committed against foreign security forces. I hope all should pay a glimpse to videos posted on internet webs or circulating among people. Insurgents are beheading children for cooperating with Afghan security forces! They are cutting the head of civilians as they are killing an animal.

Should we believe that Taliban are fighting due to the presence of foreign forces? Whom they were fighting before the foreign military intervention? Was the type of system that they introduced for Afghan people acceptable? They banned half of the generation from getting education and for the half a system was introduced that is highly appropriate for Stone Age not 21st century.

Moreover, President Karzai often announced and pleaded Taliban to lay down their arms and join peace process. Many Islamists groups indeed have used the same democratic channels for reaching to their objectives in many Arab countries. If they support their interpretation of Shariah, they can easily establish a political party and compete in a free and fair election. If people trusted them, they can build their desired system. Of course, if Afghan people become sure that the country would not slide to earlier catastrophe, than there would not be need for the presence of US forces.

Despite all that, Taliban do not show flexibility. They want to continue murdering civilians and spoil peace and stability. Indeed their very ideology cannot last without enemy. They want to collapse the government and rule people against their will.