Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Signature of Bilateral Security Agreement

As expected, after four days of consecutive discussion and conclusion, 2500 participants of the consultative Grand traditional Assembly, or Loya Jirga corroborated the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA). Sunday, Nov. 24, has marked a turning point in the political history of Afghanistan.

Perhaps, those who hoped for complete military withdrawal to mount new round of security and political pressure on government may face dismay. While those who feared that 2014 would be another year for the commencement of perennial civil war and instability were relieved because the presence of US military force till 2025 will prevent any major threat that might challenge the entire political system.

The interesting part was the statement of chief of Loya Jirga, Mr. Shahrani who previously told that he was not reluctant to become the chief of it, told that Mr. President Karzai should sign the agreement as soon as possible. At inauguration speech, Mr. President Karzai told that he would not sign the BSA and instead refer to next person who will replace him in the upcoming Presidential election even if it was approved by consultative Loya Jirga and parliament. But Mr. Shahrani and the rest of participants of Loya Jirga asked him to sign the contract till the start of the next year.

During past few weeks, number of newspapers and media outlets started a calculated attack on security agreement with US. Even some argued that its signature was against the Islamic Shariah. They have forgotten that many Islamic countries have close bilateral relation with the US and other powerful countries. Meanwhile, none of the religious scholars stood against and banned such contracts from religious points of view. Surprisingly, these year some individuals linked to neighboring country openly announced the contract Haram from Islamic point of view. They argued that the mutual contract with the US is against Islam because that it is an ‘infidel’ country. So, if any such contract is against Shariah why the religious leaders in other Islamic countries have not yet protested?

In addition, even Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) during his period made contract with his enemies. The Hudiabah is one of the most famous agreements in which Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) signed a very important contract.

Unfortunately, religion is widely misused for personal interests. During the civil war, some commanders used to announce jihad against one another even within the same sect. hope respected religious scholars clarify religious issues for people and no one should dare to issue Fitwa in line with his personal or communal interests.