Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

EVAW Day & Afghan Women

November 25th is globally marked as international day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (EVAW). This day has great significance for women in Afghanistan. The more media covers stories on issues pertaining to sufferings of women, the more the efforts to eliminate violence against women will be supported.

The day is being marked at times when the graph of violence against women in Afghanistan remains dramatically high. With all concerning situation facing the Afghan women, Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) has presented high figures related to violence against women. In the past six months of the current solar year 1392, the Commission has registered about 4,100 cases of violence against women.

AIHRC has expressed its deep concerns over the growing acts of brutality against women. Poor economic and security condition, lack of awareness and rule of law and other social problems are deemed major reasons behind the worst situation Afghan women have to face.

Women in developed countries of the world enjoy full rights and freedom. They have earned this status by fighting hard for their rights for centuries. In third world countries, however, women are still deprived of their basic rights. Afghanistan falls in the list of the countries where women are not only denied their rights but also are subjected to extreme forms of violence. The annoying point is that anguish of the Afghan women has gone increasing.

Although certain programs in connection with elimination of violence against women have been held and will be in the coming days and they are deemed important to draw attention of government and public towards the sufferings of women, it should be noted that such gatherings are no solid cure for the massive troubles faced by the Afghan women. For women in Afghanistan, life cannot change until they have the same rights as men in making decisions at family to national levels. Such a condition will never triumph in Afghanistan, unless democracy is strong and law and justice govern it.

The international day for EVAW is an occasion on which the voices and pains of thousands of Afghan women who suffer brutality, abuses, punishment and various other forms of violence just because of being a mother, a sister, a daughter and a wife must be heard and felt. Afghanistan and its people must now truly recognize the rights and dignity of women and avoid inflicting any kind of violence on them.