Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Let’s Work out the BSA Deal

There are conflicting views about the signature and final consent of President Karzai about the BSA (Bilateral Security Agreement) among the officials in Afghanistan and the United States. Some say that President Karzai is showing unnecessary resistance in this regard and once approved by the members of Loya Jirga, there remains no reason of not signing this because people from different parts of the country were represented in this grand gathering and in a sense, it was the public opinion. On the other hand, the presidential palace also has some reservations in this regard and a final deal waits until these reservations are satisfactorily handled. The biggest concern of the government is the demand of US forces to carry out military operations in the country.

Afghan government insists that the military operations should be carried out by Afghan forces while American forces should assist them in these operations. In this regard, the concerns of Afghan government seem to be justified because the operations of foreign troops inside Afghan soil were not always flawless.

Many neutral and innocent civilians were killed or injured, many innocent people were arrested and then badly tortured in the following interrogations, many houses were demolished and so many other such actions were committed.

All these not only greatly enraged the public against these forces but Afghan government also came under harsh criticism, both internally and externally. These uncontrollable acts of international forces were termed as violation of the sovereignty of the country and President Karzai repeatedly condemned such acts and many times, the relations between Afghan government and governments of allied forces sharply declined as well.

All these have, no doubt, brought a detrimental stalemate in the finalization of BSA which is filling the hearts of people with a lot of doubts. Majority of our fertile brains and industrialists and investors fear the return of Taliban and thus they want to flee from the country and take their investments out of the country. Informed sources also say that millions of projects and similar business investments are waiting for this agreement because without this certainty, they are not ready to invest and risk their money.

In such circumstances, government is hoped to initiate fresh rounds of dialogue with the American authorities so that an agreement should be made in this regard. Such an agreement will not only wipe away all the doubts and fears found in the air but will also give a firm confidence to the investors and foreign aid agencies to begin a fresh round of investments and projects that will add new life to the economy and economic conditions of common people will greatly improve. At the same time, it will also make people more hopeful and confident about the future of the country. This issue needs to be given more importance and dealt with on emergency basis.