Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Operation in Ghazni Province

The security situation in Ghazni province, especially those areas related to Ghazni highways and its surroundings have been the matter of concern for both people and security forces for quiet some times. Incidents, including roadside bomb attacks and trouble to those who travel through the highway have been frequent there. So many complains have been made by the people regarding loss of lives, kidnapping, robberies, and cases of irritation of the common people. It is nice to listen that there have been some interest shown by the security forces in response of the miseries of the people. The operation carried out by Afghan Security Forces (ANP-ANA) in Kotal – Zardalo area of Ghazni province on Sunday, June 12, 2011 is really a step that can contribute in improving the security arrangements in the area.

It is also reported that there have been several mobile and fixed security checkpoints in the most risky areas, which is really an important move. The existence of checkpoints can really help the security forces in keeping an active eye on the area and can assist in nullifying the efforts of troublemakers to deteriorate the peace and tranquility situation. Earlier there have been operations in the same areas against the militants and trouble makers, but the absence of proper checkpoints have let the situation worsen again, which is not expected to happen on this occasion. Further, it must also be kept in mind that the checkpoints being created must not add to the trouble of the people in any way.

Definitely Ghazni province which is going to be the Islamic culture center in 2013, is considered as one of the most important provinces of the country and the highway joins this province with the capital and also serves as the route between Kandahar and Kabul and bears the responsibility of most of the transportation in the country, its security is really of great importance, and must be kept in priorities in future as well.