Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Complaints about Afghan Students Studying Abroad

According to some media reports and as described by the students who studied in the foreign countries, some of the Afghan students sent on scholarships for studying aboard are reported to be involved in activities which are not only defaming them in these countries but also the name and fame of the entire nation. After the restoration of democracy, many countries of the world came forward to help the war-torn Afghanistan.

As part of this assistance, thousands of scholarships were given to Afghan students so that they should get quality education and after the completion of their studies, return to their homeland and fill the gap of missing educated and skilled personnel required in government and private sectors.

Afghan youth were lucky that they got the chances of studying in some of the high-quality and prestigious institutions of the world and also got the chances of learning and taking inspiration from people of different origins, backgrounds and culture.

At the same time, it was a good effort to provide the country with the educated and skilled workforce as our own educational institutions were in their initial stages and not able to provide the country with the required training and education.

But unfortunately, in majority of these scholarships, merit was not given preference and large number of students made their way to the foreign countries because of their relations with the ministers or the high-rank officials of the concerned authorities. It was the reason why, some of the students could not successfully complete their targeted programs and returned to country unsuccessfully, wasting the opportunity that could have been availed by another talented student.

In the same way, the students going outside the country were not given due training as how to behave and socialize in these countries. It was a golden opportunity that our students could have acted as the ambassadors of the country and by their ideal behavior and academic success, could have left good impression of Afghans and their talent on the citizens of the world but unfortunately, the exact reverse of it happened and our students not only failed to show good academic performance but also did not leave any positive impression with their behaviors and social interaction.

A student returning from India pointed out this problem that our students studying in India are doing great harm to the name of the country. It is needed that our embassy in India should check the health of this news and if these complaints were found to be correct, necessary measures should be taken in this regard. It is feared that if same routine continued then our friend nations may completely cut down their scholarships which would be a great loss to the country, both in short and long run.