Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Religiosity and Corruption

Few days ago, Afghanistan once again occupied the seat of third most corrupt country in the world after Somalia and North Korea. Continually, the last seat of corruption is reserved for it despite promises of the government to take the issue seriously and put an end to bribery, misuse of power, nepotism and other forms of corruption prevalent in public departments and organs.

Such reports are indeed consequential. Previously, the international community promised to continue financing the country on condition that their taxed dollars should flow down and reach to deserving civilians. However, the government has constantly promised to fight the phenomenon seriously but no such step seems to have been taken. It is difficult to find anyone who visited any public department and has not complained about the behavior and lack of commitment of the public employees to their tasks; except those whose friends or families are in the system. For a signature people have to wait for hours or sometimes for days so that the so-called “his Excellency Chief” or “Respectable Manager” shows mercy on visitors and fulfill his responsibilities. If you dare to plead with high reverence that if it is possible to finish your job quickly, you receive browbeat and threatening tone of voice saying: “I have worked here for years, perhaps, longer than your age; do you want to teach how to do it”.

They only thing that many are forced to do is just bribe and sit aside and get their work done. Those who do not pay will look for friends and families. And those who do not have money nor friends in the due department will wander around days, weeks and months.

In addition, corruption in the country also denote on the degradation of morality and religious commitment. Despite the dominance of religion on people, corruption is on its height. People wriggle in anger if they see a girl walking without headscarf or God forbid with jeans without skirt but pay in thousands without caring that Allah will punish both giver and receiver of the bribery. They are the ones who burst in anger while watching a television broadcasting a Bollywood movie but easily receive bribery.

This phenomenon shows that people take religion on the wrong way. If they were committed to issues like not taking bribery as they are with other religious rituals which are utterly personal and have nothing with people, certainly, we would have been among countries with lowest rate of corruption instead of the present highest one.