Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Mojadadi Upset with President Karzai

Despite demands from all sides, President Karzai is still resisting against the signature of Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the United States. His resistance against mounting pressure has set people in the pool of confusion that what really he is up to. He has become much inflexible and in his recent interview with highly popular French newspaper, he blamed the US of acting like colonial power.

In the series of reactions, Zabehullah Mojadadi son of Sebghatullah Mojadadi said that irresponsible activities of Mr. President have hurt his father. Meanwhile, he asked President Karzai to respect the idea of oppositions, civil society, cabinet members and resolution of Grand Traditional Assembly and sign the BSA. Sebghatullah Mojadadi was the first leader of Mojahidin who ruled for a short period. He enjoys deep religious influence among Afghan people. For resolution of great challenges, Mojahedin leaders somehow respected as religious figure that can provide a solution; however, his involvement with politics has seriously affected his religious standings. Obviously, due to lack of appropriate view towards power, politics and politician, his cooperation with the system affected the family’s religious status.

Since the US-led international military involvement in 2001, he closely worked with new system. He presided over several Grand Traditional Assembly or Loya Jirga called by President Hamid Karzai. He was also appointed as the Chief in last month’s consultative Loya Jirga called by President to discuss the destiny of BSA with the United States. Mr. Sebghatullah Mojadadi openly said that he had no willingness to preside it but due to persistence has accepted. Before formation of the consultative Loya Jirga, many were in view that President Karzai had already agreed with the US and he had asked the so-called views of people’s representatives just for formality. In other words, the assembly played a symbolic role because since its long history, Loya Jirga finally decided to say “Yes” to what the Kings initially wanted. So, he did not want to preside an assembly whose decision is clear from the start.

Secondly, as mentioned he enjoys influence among religious layers of the society who consists of majority. Presiding in the assembly which confirms the presence of foreign security forces would have further threatened his religious status. Hence he had reasons not to be the chief of the traditional assembly. But as he claimed with persistence of many, he accepted.

Perhaps, now he feels that President Karzai somehow plays with him because it was President Karzai who appointed him as chief of the assembly and now he is again the person who does not comply with its resolution.