Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Afghanistan & Pakistan issues interlinked & interrelated

If Afghanistan has suffered because Osama lived here and planned terror attacks from here, Pakistani government has also been defamed by his death on its land.

If in the past it was in doubts, now it has been confirmed that Pakistan's role is vital in international community's success in Afghanistan. Without cooperation from Pakistani government, withdrawal and transition process seems not to be technically possible. Knowing the fact that Pakistan itself is burning due to consistence terror attacks, the international community needs to continue supporting it. Without international support, in a very short term, Pakistan's economy and national security are likely to collapse.

Also, with further growth of insurgency, nuclear weapons of Pakistan are feared to fall into the hands of terrorists. This is not only detrimental for Afghanistan but also for the region and the world.The Pakistani government should be ready - for the sake of its own stability - for any sorts of cooperation that Afghanistan and its backers demand from it.

Pakistani authorities maintain that a peaceful and stable Afghanistan is in favor of their country's economy and security. The same can be said in reverse i.e. for good security in Afghanistan, Pakistan should be stable. In other words thesetwo countries highly rely on each other to defeat their enemies – the insurgents – and therefore should not allow their lands to be used against each other and any other country of the world. If Afghanistan has suffered because Osama lived here and planned terror attacks from here, Pakistani government has also been defamed by his death on its land. All security and other important issues of both the countries are interrelated and interlinked and therefore, the solution of their problems lies in the mutual cooperation of the two and should be based on sincerity.

In the recent visit of President Hamid Karzai and his team to Pakistan, a number of demands has been handed to them by Pakistani authorities. These demands should be fulfilled as far as they do not question the national sovereignty of Afghanistan and are in the interest of peace and prosperity of Afghan people. In return, the Pakistani government should ensure it will support Afghanistan become a peaceful country.

There have been enough visits, talks and discussion. The people in Afghanistan and Pakistan are tired of hearing about bomb blasts, targeted killings and other acts of insurgency. They now hope their government will fulfill their most basic and important commitment which is peace.