Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Promising Result from Polls

The polls made by different organization depict a promising picture from the future. Seemingly, the political conscience of Afghans has increased. The poll made by TOLO News agency says that more than fifty percent of Afghans wanted to sign the Bilateral Security Agreement (BSA) with the United States.

Afghans are well-known for their xenophobia sentiments. During history, they never accepted the presence of any foreign country. However, it differed in the case of countries that indirectly strengthened and deepened their hegemony like neighboring countries. The poll showed that Afghans have come to conclusion that stepping on the past path will only pave the way for their descent into chaos. Ostensibly, people have understood that antagonism with international community will only harm them. It not only damages their interest but paves the way for regional powers to resume their proxy war in the country.

Moreover, the Democracy International (DI) organization conducted an election poll across the 34 provinces from 2,500 people. The poll revealed that 85 percent of people have shown interests to participate in the upcoming presidential election. Mohammad Hassan Fidayee, Research fellow of Democracy International said, “85 percent of the interviewees have shown interests to cast ballots in the upcoming elections and only 8 percent have said that they wouldn’t participate in the polling, 60 of the interviewees have also said that the families whom they will also cast votes in the elections.” The survey found that the 83 percent of men and 63 percent of women intend to participate in the upcoming presidential elections.

The poll also reflected that security has remained as top concern of Afghan people. Afghans still consider that if peace and security is restored, everything will automatically set on the right path. Despite severe and widespread poverty, only 19 percent of individuals interviewed voiced out concern about the economic difficulties.

Thus, putting the above two polls together, it can be deduced that Afghan people are worried about the security situation. The rise of insurgents and the breakout of communal war constantly pinch people. That is why more than 50 percent agree to sign BSA despite huge propaganda and opposition from the radical layers of the society.

Therefore, officials should understand that the country stands on the historical square. If the situation is managed properly, everything will move on the right track and, after decades of chaos and trouble, people will be able to enjoy peace and stability.