Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Moral Standards Are Innate Tendencies

Human beings have a strong spiritual thirst and seek way of quenching it. According to studies, even the people who lived in prehistoric times practiced particular set of beliefs in their individual and collective life. Indeed, they had to fill the vacuum which they felt in their spirit, by worshipping and praying to a strong and perfect god. Moreover, when natural disasters struck, they found themselves weak and unable to survive; therefore, they had to search for a strong god and they came to this understanding that the disasters were sent by a powerful creator and some construed disasters as the rage of God. Sometimes, they had to make sacrifices. Even though, there have been many religions along with various gods, however, a feeling for worship was natural. The more perfect and responsive a god seemed, the humbler a person felt towards it and bowed reverentially.

Human beings are naturally willing to know and learn. This strong inner feeling leads to human curiosity which is the cause for learning and knowing. We like to know about the world, about the creation, god, life, and many more things. Generally a child is highly perceptive and curious to know about everything. Parents are asked hundreds of questions one after the other, by the child, as the realm of its own perceptions unfolds. So, it is a natural process which makes the children burst with questions. Moreover, scientists do their best to make discoveries and inventions, even if they get no advantage from their own findings and research. They just naturally feel a strong thirst for knowing more deeply. Therefore, this keenness about knowing further facts, keep them struggling ahead.

An inner feeling impels one to show kindness and sympathize to other humans and animals in one way or another. Whenever we respond to this urge positively, we feel satisfied and happy; otherwise our conscience continuously reproaches and pricks. Furthermore, one naturally hates unethical conduct such as dishonesty, hypocrisy, falsehood, and crime and corruption. Surprisingly, even if one is deep in moral crimes, deceiving and harming others, parallel to that one does not want to be deceived or harmed at all.

Unfortunately, the simplicity and pureness of nature is eroding in the world of lust, hypocrisy, crime, jealousy, prejudice, moral corruptions, etc. People trample upon moral feelings and conscience, so gradually crime and evil become second nature for them. Then, they feel restless and guilty for committing crime, harming human beings, violating human rights and shedding blood. Gradually, their nature turns so cruel that they find solace in their inhuman and deadly actions. Yes, ‘Man is man’s wolf.’ How correctly the Holy Qur’an says that those who yield to lusting after evil and immoral ways shall become worse than animals. The Holy Qur’an also adds that those who follow their moral feelings of spirituality, they will rise higher than angels.

Human beings have a deep religious mission in their lives which must be achieved properly. They are expected to nurture their talents and use human achievements for the benefit of others. Now, it is for us humans to decide whether to choose the right path or the wrong one. Of course, both the ways and the consequences of their choices and actions are shown and explained to them. Inspired prophets were sent with Holy books for human guidance and carried out their godly missions tirelessly. Now, we are left with two choices that lead to hell or to heaven. Woe to those who live deep in worldly pleasures without caring about the rights and freedom of others; with no thought about the betterment of society. However, those who practice moral codes in their individual and collective lives are moving on the path of their religious missions and will be rewarded for their moral acts.