Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Government Should Lay the Foundation Stone

Most of societal problems witnessed are because of proportional imbalances of understanding of rights and duties. Great majority of people go on demanding their rights devoid of realization of significance of extending their duties. We must learn it, what we claim to be our rights; we have to remunerate back as our duty; for the reason that rights and responsibility goes side-by-side. 

Public officials are deemed guardian of laws but they consider violation and exploitation of law their innate right. This depicts the worst state of governance, provided the corrupt practices of officials manipulating their duties serving to bring the system at standstill are unchecked. Corruption has penetrated deep into our social conscience, seeming to have integrated into our culture. We have been accustomed to ill-practices that we don’t falter terming a corrupt person, cultured.

Many scientific principles that can turn our fates render null and void in our society, given we have been habituated to obsolete practices. Laws are framed and shelved not to be practiced, as divine scriptures are treated. It is admittedly harsh fact, to accept, lawmakers are law breakers. Customary laws are deliberately promulgated whilst rational laws intended for the good of society await its fate to get impartial application to all citizens. Bigotry and discrimination are widespread and seem to have integrated in our genes. We might not acquire acquittal unless we abandon discrimination.

It is an unbiased finding rarely accepted – women are treated a second class citizen, meant to deem them inferior and a hapless fellow, thus making them prone to violence which is considered the right of dominant section of Afghan society.

Few legislatures show earnest response seeing at the dismal state of women’s sufferings by setting debates amongst parliamentarians that receives a cool response by fellow parliamentarians, declaring women’s right safeguarding laws, un-Islamic.

The ruling elites rely on rhetoric than handy measures to put an end to their vandalized state. The issuance of one or two press releases is an assurance to the end of their responsibility.

The discriminatory attitude displayed by Afghan media is not surprising but depicts our collective behavior towards suppressed section of society. Women facing numerous incidents of sexual harassment at work or public spots, physical or mental torture, are neglected spaces by our undaunted media, salting away the share of being equally liable, for their lengthened sufferings.

A glance at the attitude of Afghan media makes us believe that women slapping a man for rightful reason, worth thousand and get wide space on media but regretfully, women lashed, tortured and stoned to death for an erroneous reason, worth a penny. Women do command due and equal respect, in case of denial of protection of her right to privacy and independent pursuit of happiness she may unhesitatingly and legitimately break the law, made to humiliate her. Huma Sultani, did what society has not done, during the course of history, assuring safeguards upholding women’s dignity. The slap on the face of undutiful officer was, in fact a slap on the face of where minimal provisions, granting safety to women’s right are found. Huma Sultani personified as subject of violence is irrational discourse media pursued.

Subsequent to the news of a police personnel being slapped by a women legislature aired on media, the spokesman of interior ministry could not lag behind expressing tons of sympathies with entire security apparatus of the state, as if a single guiltless lady is the serving militia of insurgents and has caused the current bloodied state of security forces. The countless behavioral weakness and widespread corruption associated with police forces must be brought to book, so that some of black sheep’s in the department are curtailed and discouraged from abusing their authority.

Undoubtedly, the security forces are rendering selfless services to the nation, ascertaining unbeatable security whilst bringing us pride and admiration at the cost of their priceless blood, worth profound homage. Nevertheless, the intentional or unintentional ill-dead of a single policeman must not have been equated with the entire force. The respective public officials whilst dealing the case must have well thought out prior to making public statement, the slap could be and of course, a repercussion to women being molested or misbehaved with in public was what brought ill-consequence for the policeman.

A broad based and impartial understanding of jurisdiction of right and duties accompanied with proper system of answerability can bring the system out of catastrophic situation, given the elite enjoying full rights and allowance, compensation and authority come forth to sincerely render their responsibilities for the good of whole of nation not of their respective tribe, ethnicity or a privileged group.