Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Problems to Be Addressed before Election

As the deadline for April 5, presidential election draws near, the speculations pertaining fate of BSA and the future of Afghanistan get prevalence. Many people count on democracy and upcoming election doing away their lengthened miseries. Undoubtedly, a functional democracy aided by universal suffrage supported by international community and neighboring countries will help Afghanistan seek sumptuousness and self-reliance.

The people fed up of corruption and irregularities have fixed their eyes on the right of their self determination, turning a ray of hope to avert their ill-fates. The warmth partaking of people in election is also reflected from a recent election poll conducted by the Democracy International (DI). The survey questioning more than 2,500 Afghan citizens across all 34 provinces and in at least 115 districts revealed that 85 percent of the Afghan citizens have shown interests to participate in the upcoming presidential elections with inclusion to 83 percent of men and 63 percent women.

It is an encouraging omen indicative of greater public reliance on electoral process given the transparency and legitimacy is not questioned, subsequent to election conducted. A free and fair election, conducted properly, brings delight to election commission, government and masses of Afghanistan.

Nevertheless the worsening security condition is a great challenge to be combated. This is confirmatory to the findings of poll where respondents term security their top concern with corruption and Taliban violence labeled next major worries. A lawmaker from Nangarhar formerly warned the government holding inclusive elections would not be possible if solid steps were not taken to improve the security situation in the eastern province. In spite of causing major attacks Taliban are not deemed security threat, instead are invited to contest election and try their fate. Taliban terming democracy un-Islamic will certainly pose serious threats to the electoral process in the localities with greater Taliban hold. In order to render election unsuccessful they will launch successive attacks. Particularly, security will remain the top concerns of east and west of the country where insurgent have established strong hold.

The elections held on time, free of fraud, rigging and misconduct dictates the aspiration of masses. Any suspicion of ill-deed not only erodes the credibility of election, but also harms legality of the elections – consequently putting Afghanistan on avenues of crisis engulfing the entire system. The Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) tasked to go through the detailed records of all contestants, should impartially public their details following the cases decided by judicial commission. The candidates involved in corrupt practices, acts of crimes, human rights violations and embezzlements must be declared ineligible for the run-up.