Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Threat of Extremism

Extremism has unquestionably proved that it is the major participant in invasion, devastation, tyranny and atrocity against the human values and existence. Today in every nook and corner of the world extremism and its followers extremists have been named terrorists because they consider themselves differently; they believe that they are factual; in fact, they are very conservative with their approach. They not only invade themselves but others as well because they are not ambitious but vicious.

The roots of extremism were strengthened in Afghanistan to a large extent with the rise of Taliban. The Taliban government adopted extreme religious practices as the basis of their government and were the reason of stopping every sort of development and modernization.

During the Taliban era the education system was updated with aggressive and rigid material which resulted in the impoverishment of the common masses, annihilation of system and enforcement of conservative elements. They entangled the mechanism of the government and formed a sort of track where the prestige and honor of the country were badly ruined and the economical, social, political and moral structures were shattered and today we are castigated to have camps and training centers for terrorism and terroristic activities and we are blamed to be corrupt, inefficient and unsafe and all these are the blessings of extremism.

Today the so-called leaders of the country claim that our country is true Islamic country, where we can find tranquility, brotherhood, justice, practice of religion, prosperity and solidarity but these can only be found in theory, while in reality the practices show severe extremism.

It is really important to consider that extremism has outmoded the honor of mankind. Today the whole world is at the edge of a very horrifying confrontation – it has bestowed us countless miseries because the ultimate product of extremism is terrorism, unless and until this is converted into a very balanced approach, the aggression would not be stopped as our religion again gives us the lesson of tolerance, acceptance and humanity; thus, this must be mentioned that we are to follow our religion’s point of view which is a complete code of ethics, then we can stop the ongoing conflicts and tussles.

Extremism in any form and manifestation is condemnable; this has badly affected our approach, conduct and way of living. Extremism has finally taken the shape of terrorism which is not only a sign of danger for the others but for our own religion, society and system as well. It has given us several losses and distress, so let’s promise to fight them with iron will and determination.