Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

The Virus of Academies and Institutes

These days, the streets of Kabul have become a breeding place for different institutes and academies of sciences, languages, computer and many other skills or professions. These institutes are so widespread and large in number that one can find an institute in almost every street or road. Majority of these institutes are functioning improperly with poor infrastructure and facilities. According to the informed sources, majority of them are not properly registered with the relevant ministry and are not functioning according to the standards required for opening and running such institutes. These institutes are not giving the desired results because of a numerous reasons. The first and most important is the intention by which these institutes have been opened and being run. These institutes are being opened for earning money and with the exception of a small number of such institutes; they hardly deliver good education to the generations of the country.

There are reports that these institutes have been opened by those rich people who are absolutely unaware of any kind of education and have been opened with the sole intention of making more and more money. In the same way, majority of these institutes hire very young and inexperienced teachers at meager salaries who are not properly educated or trained to carry out this important duty and thus they jeopardize the future of the generations. In order to save money and cut expenses, no or very less facilities are being provided to students. They rent very cheap but inappropriate places, keep no or very uncomfortable chairs, some of them don’t have the facility of electricity or proper heating and all these result in the poor performance of students. At the same time, students get disappointed with this inappropriate environment available to them in the institute and all these make negative impact on their character and academic achievements.

At the same time, they are producing the graduates that are not properly educated and properly skilled because of which we mostly don’t trust our own graduates and it is the reason why, we see that large number of foreigners are working in different sectors of life especially education, engineering and other high-skilled professions. There is also present the good contribution of relevant ministries in the promotion of these institutes as they are not properly checked and their standards are not assessed according to the needed standards. Some sources link this criminal negligence with the cases of bribery and other illegal practices prevalent in our ministries and government offices. Concerned ministries should take necessary corrective action so that the future of our coming generations should not left vulnerable to these greedy people.