Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Uncontrolled Nepotism and Cronyism

In Afghanistan, almost every government authority speaks of equality, merit, transparency in the process recruiting new people. But there is a difference of cheese and chalk between how they talk and how they walk. Nepotism and cronyism in line ministries and their provincial units and other independent government organizations have risen up to an alarming level. Many nongovernmental organizations suffer the same condition.

In 2013 index of Transparency International, Afghanistan has been ranked as one of the most corrupt countries of the world and nepotism has great role in moving Afghanistan to that disgusting level. While certain bodies exist for the purpose countering evils like corruption and nepotism in government offices, they seem to helpless as the current administration is lacking a true will to point out crooked officials and prosecute them in proper way.

For a common Afghan finding job has turned extremely difficult despite having adequate education and skills. Nonetheless, people with strong affiliation to high government authorities can become mayors, governors, senators, ministers, deputy ministers and occupy any other high positions in the government without having any strong educational or working background. When the government appoints someone to senior posts, it should pay attention to their professional background and their education. Unfortunately, it is not the case here. People get jobs through their connections, not according their professional skills and knowledge. If an individual holds numerous educational diplomas and degrees, his probability to get a proper job is far lesser than an individual who has little knowledge but is a relative of ministers, governor, parliamentarian, mayor, general or head of any organization.

So far the government has not taken any measures to counter nepotism and cronyism in its offices and in nongovernment organizations. The reason is quite obvious. Majority of the officials at all management levels act dishonestly against their duties and responsibilities and they resist any positive undertaking aimed at employing people based on merit, qualification and expertise.

The impacts of such practices have been detrimental. Qualified and professional Afghans are disappointed at times when Afghanistan is in dire need of them. Afghans who became continuous victims of corruption, nepotism and cronyism will eventually move to other countries. Competent, educated and skilled human resources are valuable asset of a country but unfortunately, Afghanistan is losing it.