Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

US-Iran Nuclear Deal Crystallized

World has always suffered because some politico-economic and religious discords turned into bloody conflicts given deals and negotiations were set aside; instead grounds were prepared for extension of brutal rivalries and long-drawn-out hegemony of a mind set. The disputed nuclear enrichment program, Iran had initiated, has long been a bone of discontent and escalating suspicion between Iran and US, over the past decade. Many efforts were exercised that were aimed at congenial solution of lingering dispute but they rendered futile. Consequently, Iran was hit with lengthened sanction that worst affected its economy and has to pursue financial relieves.

Formerly the third round of two days exhaustive talks between Iran and P5+1 (Britain, China, France, Russia and the United States plus Germany) agreed on preconditions of deal crystallized between them. The two-day round of talks in Geneva, decided to wind up the interim November deal, in which Iran contracted not to enrich uranium over five percent for six months while neutralizing its stockpile of uranium enriched to 20 percent in return for billions of dollars’ worth of sanctions relief, taking effect from January 20. That means, beginning from aforementioned cut-off date Iran will for the first time start eliminating its stockpile of higher levels of enriched uranium and dismantling some of the infrastructure that makes enrichment possible.

 In the mean while Iran will abide by cooperation pact with IAEA allowing access to nuclear-related facilities and the provision of information. In August, Iran said it has about 19,000 centrifuges, including 1,000 of new P-2 generation, confirming figures from the UN watchdog overseeing its nuclear drive. Easing of access to nuclear centrifuges, which is doubted potentially enabling Iran to purify uranium to weapons-grade level, do away the hindrances to confidence building measure between Iran and west.

Subsequent to sanction imposed on Iran over disputed nuclear program, large sum of Iranian assets, in US and European banks were frozen and exports were barred and currency devalued. It resulted in price hike, unemployment and inflation across the country – hence so the deal plays foundational role reviving the economic uplift of Islamic republic of Iran. According to reports the preliminary progress of deal wins $550-million installment of $4.2 billion in frozen assets, released early next month. The report entails the installment schedule starts on Feb 1 and the payments are evenly distributed” across 180 days. Similar amounts will be unblocked roughly every month for six months, with the last payment due around July 20.

The deal has certainly won a major achievement for President Hassan Rouhani, who vowed, brining the country out of battered relations with West and relieving tightened sanctions, during election campaign. The incumbent president of Iran owns the credit for melting the decades long trust deficit lying between Iran and the West – it instead has installed a certain degree of confidence, more or less portrayed and altered a peace loving and peace promoting image of Islamic republic before the world, will shine eminently if abided.