Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

A right Turn by A Wrong Group

In spectacular weird move, Hezb-e-Islami led by Hekamtiyar encouraged members of the party and his supporters to take part in upcoming presidential and provincial elections. The party’s spokesman, Ghairat Bahir, has told that all those who are committed to the party or members of the party ordered to play visible role in upcoming elections. Previously, the party was claiming that by the presence of foreign security forces, a fair and transparent election was not possible. Based on a letter which is claimed to be of Gulbadeen Hekmatiyar, released by domestic and international media, supporters of the party are ordered to get voting cards and take part in provincial election. “Elect the nominees of the group or those who have a positive concept of it, and prevent bad candidates to succeed”.

While emphasizing on commitment of the group to principles of free and fair election, Ghairat said that we hope for free, transparent and just election. Meanwhile, Ghairat pointed out that the party had not decided yet about the presidential candidates. He said that leaders of the party will soon decide whom they will support in the coming president election which can turn a new chapter in the political history of the country. However, Qutbuddin Helal was once the deputy to Mr. Hekmatiyar but he announced himself as independent candidate.

Anyhow, irrespective of who will be supported by the armed groups, merely announcement of participation in elections is a promising sign and has several benefits. First of all, a visible part of the country is unstable merely due to presence of Hezb-e-Islami militants. Since the very US-led military intervention, the group stood against them and Afghan government. During last twelve years, it has been engaged in variety of suicide bombings that challenged peace and security across the country. Hence, if members and supporters of armed group comply to the order, then there would be no need of security forces to protect polling stations or voters. Getting rid of fear of repercussions, the turnout is expected to be high. Secondly, the mere announcement to participate in elections reflects a change in strategy as well as the mentality of the leadership team. Like many Islamist groups, the leadership team may have reached to conclusion that violent means may not get them to their goals. Thus, they should try to achieve their goals through modern and much accepted norms. Such a likely change itself glitters and will prove helpful to long-last unfulfilled desire of Afghans for peace and stability.