Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Public Appeal from the President!

Without considering different viewpoints and strength of reasons and opinions from both the sides, the delay on signing of BSA deal is creating great frustration in the country. The economy has come on a very acute and chronic standstill and investors are not ready to invest. The number of NGOs and businesses being closed are increasing day by day and as a result, the number of jobless is also on a sharp rise. Business activities have almost stopped and small shopkeepers, road side vendors and others are suffering a lot to make the ends meet. In such circumstances, the worst effect is being faced by the common person who is in frustration as how to run his home and earn bread for his family members. In this worst and depressing winter, the issue of BSA has taken a shape of an antidote for the nation that has been badly poisoned by different negative elements. Hopeless and disappointing rumors are increasing and these rumors are exacerbating the situation.

Due to these rumors, many other fields and sectors of life are also coming under intense pressure. It is feared that if the condition persisted and the agreement was not inked, uncertainty will force the people to go the extreme to meet their financial needs. Theft, kidnapping, robberies, corruption and many other criminal activities would increase as people are not left with any other option except to resort to these illegal ways of earning their livelihood. Recent report by SIGAR about the condition of banks and overall economy is really disappointing and if the same conditions persisted, there is fear of absolute failure of economy. On the other hand, perceptions of people are changing about the militants and Taliban and they think that if Taliban returned, it would not be any worse than the present conditions. Similarly, number of people willing to join the militant groups and terrorists may increase because they will be at least getting some Afghanis for their services. In these uncertain conditions, foreign investment has absolutely ceased and many international NGOs and aid organizations that had plans of starting new projects are thinking of rolling back their operations and adding to the severity of the situation.

In such circumstances, Afghan government and public are not left with any other option except to accept all the conditions of BSA and sign the agreement. It is the voice of every Afghan that President should consider immediately signing this agreement because present condition is killing them and they can no more withstand the difficult situations.