Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Another Good News for Afghan Football!

In a short period of few months, our national football team honored the country with two honors and distinctions. In September 2013, they brought home the trophy of SAFF (South Asian Football Federation) by beating India in its final, while on Monday Afghan team was awarded with the FIFA fair play award for 2013. This prestigious award was given to the representatives of Afghan team in a ceremony held in Zurich. Although it was mentioned in print and electronic media, majority of Afghans are yet to know this good news. Our youth, with access to internet and social networking sites, congratulated each other on this and were very enthusiastic about it.

In this time of inflation, insecurity and future uncertainty, every member of the nation is almost paralyzed by the depressing news and our ears wait eagerly to hear any good news. At the same time, rumors and depressing news are accumulating and we are not able to take them out of our minds. In such hopeless circumstances, the nation was in dire need of such good news that could uplift the spirits of people and make them enjoy these temporary moments of relief.

The award was given with a special mention that despite all the security problems and extreme lack of facilities for the game, the tremendous improvement of the national football team was regarded a great achievement. This honor would have lasting effects on the overall improvement of country not only in the game but also in so many other factors responsible for the advancement of country.

It is a matter of great tragedy that there are large number of ministries, departments and other posts on government that do nothing except to waste the funds of public and waste the time and resources of nation. In many years, many of these departments or ministries have neither satisfied the public with their performance nor brought any good news to uplift the morale of nation. While we see that, very less fund is being allocated to the football federation that has a great role in proving its existence effective and meaningful. It is needed that a good budget should be allocated for the football federation and also for the grass-root level improvement of this game. Our children and youth are very talented and having a look at their talents and enthusiasm, any kind of investment would bring very good results and we would be able to produce world class players and the nation can earn name and fame among the nations of the world with this game.