Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Prophet Muhammad - The Icon of Virtue

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) came to humanize our societies and imbue people with moral standards and religious values. He took a stand against the cruelties imposed on deprived individuals who lacked property and social status. At a time when Arab society shrouded in the darkness of violence and aggression, the Holy Prophet (PBUH) protested with all his might. As a divine messenger, he had to carry out his sacred mission of breaking the chains of slavery from slaves and of abolishing tyranny from the human society. When freedom and human rights were missing among the Arab aristocrats, he proposed changes boldly.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) challenged the social status of Arab lords who were selfish and exploiter of the poor. He questioned the humanity of the masters who felt no mercy for their hardworking slaves.

Challenging the status quo of his time, Holy Prophet (PBUH) came with lofty religious ideology. He cherished justice and morality. The Prophet’s (PBUH) holy mission was to establish a religious society which treated humans with dignity, and offered them social rights and freedom.

The helpless slaves shook hands with the Holy Prophet (PBUH) protesting against the tyranny of their masters. They embraced the religion introduced by him which was for all human beings irrespective of race, gender or color. In short, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) performed his religious mission successfully and brought great positive changes not only in Arab society but also in many other societies. Now, the question is whether, Islamic societies practice the Prophet’s religious instructions?

After the demise of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), Islamic societies gradually diverted from the right path right up till today. His religious teachings have been turned upside down and religion plays its role negatively. To be more exact, Islamic societies are mired in violence by the foul role of the religious extremists. Currently, cruelty and inhuman practices hold sway in our society. Religion is exploited largely by the radical groups. This is increasing the problems of the people. Has the system of slavery ended in modern times?

On the surface it seems that there is no slavery in today’s world, however, if one goes deeper there appears a noticeable form of modern slavery. It has changed into colonialism, imperialism and communal exploitation. Modern life is experiencing greater immorality and is bereft of virtue. Man’s inhumanity to man is seen everywhere. Hence, the vacuum of the Prophet’s presence is felt acutely in today’s world.

To end on a note of hope, the Editorial Board of Daily Outlook congratulates all believers on the blessed occasion of the birth anniversary of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).