Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Taking Care of Afghan Refugees in Belgium!

According to a report, Afghan refugees waiting for the finalization of their immigration cases in Belgium have carried out a demonstration in Belgium. They were carrying placards demanding for the finalization of the cases and acceptance in the country. These 200 Afghan refugees came to Belgium last year and they are at present staying in a deserted church. They have fixed their tents inside the church and are facing the harsh winter of Europe. Among these Afghans, there are also present women and children. They were demanding to be accepted as the citizens of the country and also other civil rights like right to work and shelter. All of these Afghans were having different problems in the country and circumstances had forced them to leave the country and take refuge in a safer place.

It is a fact that large number of Afghans migrate to different countries of the world due to security, job and numerous other reasons. It is the reason why, large number of Afghans are living in Canada, the USA and numerous other European and Asian countries. With the takeover of Taliban in 1994, numerous factions of society like industrialists, writers, actors, painters and many more were targeted for severe and cruel punishments and were forced to take refuge in other parts of the world. Even in this democratic government, large number of people migrated abroad due to insecurity, threat of Taliban and militants, unemployment and other reasons. Majority of these went abroad by illegal ways and faced the hardships of the way. Many of them died on the way while human-traffickers and smugglers also found them as their vulnerable targets.

It is a sad fact that conditions, both economic and security, are not much favorable in the country and it has exacerbated after the rumors of the return of Taliban with the withdrawal of NATO forces. Unemployment is another major reason that most of Afghans want to go outside and earn something to support their families.

Almost all of these Afghans have been left on their own and they receive no kind of support from any government ministry or private organizations. It is also a fact that they fall in deep need of support on every step they take, starting from their journey till they settle down in a foreign land. No doubt, all of these cannot be supported because majority of them go for their own reasons but government ministries, NGOs working for human development and especially our embassies working in the foreign lands can work to protect their rights and give them proper guidance. Any small effort in this regard would mean a lot for them.