Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Hopes from Geneva Talks

The Geneva 2 conference for the peaceful settlement of Syrian issue started in a town by name of Montreux near Geneva. The conference, being arranged by the United Nations, hosts the opposition party of the Assad’s government in Syria and other prominent world powers like US, Russia and others. The conference was scheduled from so many months but its importance increased by the reports that Assad’s regime might be involved in the brutal killing of more than 11000 thousand of its opposition activists, violating all the human rights and compensations of Geneva Convention about war.

The Secretary General of UN, Ban Ki Moon had previously invited Iran as well in the conference for which US and Syrian opposition leaders had made great hue and cry and demanded for the exclusion of Iran from the talks. Iran was blamed for supporting Assad’s regime by sending its Hezbollah militants inside Syria and not accepting the interim government of Syrian opposition being established by the support of US and Western powers. Syrian opposition leaders had threatened to boycott these talks in case Iran also participates in them. Later on, it was decided that Iran should not be called in these talks.

In these talks, the possibilities of a future government in Syria will be discussed. But the present conditions show that these talks don’t carry much meaning especially when its major stakeholders are kept out of the process. There is no doubt Iran is supporting continuously the government of Bashar al Assad and has strengthened the position of its forces on ground by sending its Hezbollah militants but with all these, it plays an important role in the region. On the other hand, Jihadi organizations fighting against the Assad’s forces have called these talks to be ‘hollow’ and they are also not going to be the part of these talks.

On the ground, the problem of Syria is getting much complicated with every passing day. There has been reports of fighting between among the Jihadi militant groups fighting against the regime forces. These groups have come out of the control and they have also attacked on the rebel groups being supported by Western powers. This inside war has helped Assad’s government to strengthen its position and its forces are being supported by Iran, and by Russia and China in form of arms supply. All these circumstances have given birth to a deadlock in which no side appears to be winning and this continued war has added more to the sufferings of common Syrians. In this war, more than 110 thousands Syrians have lost their lives while 2.5 million Syrians have taken refuge in neighboring countries and safer parts of the country.

Instead of considering their own benefits and aims, all the parties should give preference for the establishment of peace and order in the country which would then pave the way for further betterment on all the issues.