Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Growing Ambiguities Dishearten Development

At present there are several ambiguities and uncertainties that have dominated the socio-political circumstances in Afghanistan. These ambiguities have not only influenced the hopes of the common people but have made the international world worried as well. It is really necessary that the Afghan authorities and Afghan people must make efforts to fight these ambiguities and eliminate them so as to be able to see the future course of action clearly.

The stalemate regarding the BSA, the upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections, the reconciliation process with Taliban, the transition of security and the capability of Afghan security forces, all these factors have amalgamated to generate a situation, wherein, the future cannot be speculated with certainty. And within a society, when the future appears foggy and dim, the social psychology and the efforts to fight with the challenges both are weakened.

The economic and financial development that is necessary to support Afghanistan to gain socio-economic and political stability is highly influenced in circumstances that are uncertain. The investors, both national and international, avoid investing in the businesses that are not expected to generate profit. That’s why we can find investors in Afghanistan limiting their investments and waiting for the circumstances to become clearer and more certain.

The people, as a whole, fail to tie their hopes their land, property, family and ultimately with their country and think of spending their lives somewhere else instead of their own country. Therefore, a large number of people can be found who are thinking of leaving the country and finding a place where they at least have a certain life. This phenomenon is really tragic, because if the people of a country are not ready to make efforts to bring developments, it is impossible to even think of any development, meanwhile the people from the other countries would never do so, as they have their own interests for their own countries. 

The responsibility of a government within a state is to ensure a peaceful and carefree life to its people. Therefore, it is one of the main responsibilities of the Afghan government to make efforts to decrease the level of uncertainty in the country, which is making life uncomfortable and the future very dark for the people of Afghanistan. It really needs to adopt a clear strategy aimed at the national interest and creating tranquil circumstances.