Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Public Encouragement to Vote

After more than thirty years of bloodshed, the people of Afghanistan desire peace and stability in their country. Peace is what they wish to gift their coming generations. But hate-mongers, criminals, extremist groups, crooked politicians and problems such as corruption, poverty and lack of justice, good governance and willingness in government to lead Afghanistan out of the problems contribute to keep this country backward. Longer term instability that still does not seem to be ending soon has kept Afghans deprived of a peaceful life. Instability has brought with itself a number of social, economic and political problems and Afghans have still a very long way to go to come out of the grave situation they are facing.  

The biggest force that can take Afghanistan towards peace and prosperity is the people themselves. The more people support democracy in the country by participating in democratic processes and activities, the more it will be good for their future. As Afghanistan is less than three months away from the crucial presidential and provincial councils’ election, programs aimed at encouraging people towards casting their votes must be bolstered.

Public awareness regarding election and democracy has increased manifold as compared to 2004. Most people see the solution of the challenges faced by their country in strong democracy. Therefore, it is expected that they will vote with more enthusiasm this time. Now, it is the core duty of the government and Independent Election Commission (IEC) not to disappoint the people and ensure a free, fair and transparent election.

It is compulsory to make sure that the coming elections are conducted keeping in view democratic and international standards up to the extent possible. This will be crucial to boost up the public trust and confidence in the government. All know that previous elections were marred with allegations frauds and ballot-stuffing. To lead Afghanistan out of the chaos it is facing today and make positive thoughts about government grow in the minds of the people, the next presidential election is being deemed as crucial.

Afghanistan political parties and analysts have been urging for a fraud-free election. Key to Afghanistan's future stability will be a credible and inclusive presidential election in 2014, followed by a constitutional transfer of power. Any meddling in this process can cause the gains that Afghanistan has achieved over the last 12 years to collapse all at once. Only a government that is formed as a result of true and genuine votes of the people can be responsive to the demands of the people. People will only have trust in such a government and will support it in overcoming the serious challenges facing Afghanistan.