Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

An Independent Committee about Prisoners

In last few months, nation witnessed the release of a large number of prisoners from Bagram and other prisoners of the country. They were released with a reason that they were kept in behind the bars without any solid evidences and their detention was against the laws. On the other hand, media and some parliamentarians termed it to be the process of releasing dangerous criminals. It was claimed that these released prisoners included of a large number of Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants who were responsible for the killing of dozens of innocent citizens and members of Afghan police and national army. Government was accused of doing this in order to strengthen Taliban and create frustration in the country so that they should present it as a reason for their continued rule. Government officials were also accused of accepting large sums of money for releasing these dangerous criminals. Anyhow, this act of government did not get a popular public support and was criticized both nationally and internationally.

According to the government sources, it is claimed that large number of innocents have been put in different prisons and their hatred and antagonistic feelings are strengthening the anti-state sentiments. In his latest news briefing in the Presidential Palace, President Hamid Karzai said that, ‘According to my knowledge, Bagram prison is a place where people are converted into Taliban. We put innocent people behind the bars and torture them brutally and fill them with such hatred that they end up as Taliban, nurturing hatred against the state and softer feelings towards the militants.’

Without considering the weight of the opinion of either sides; there seems to be something wrong in the whole process of capturing, interrogating and trial of prisoners in different prisons of the country. The commission found for the investigation of the cases of these prisoners found out that large number of prisoners was kept without any reasonable evidence and charges and thus, they should be released immediately. On the other hand, media and general public made great hue and cry on the release of prisoners who were responsible for the murder of large number of innocents and were caught after the sacrifices of police and national army personnel. It was considered an effort that could demoralize not only police and national army but also the general public and could result in the negative sentiments against the government.

In this regard, most important is the establishment of a neutral committee that should check the cases of these prisoners. The committee should not only comprise of the government officials but also civil society members and international observers. The recommendations of the committee would then be acceptable to all and would also help to live a free life for large number of prisoners who have been put behind the bars without any solid proof.