Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Saturday, July 6th, 2024

Govt. Responsible for Deteriorated Investment Environment

Investments both external and domestic form the backbone of a self-reliant economy. The more foreign organizations, larger business firms, multi-national companies and successful entrepreneurs are attracted towards investing in a country, the more it will be effective in boosting business activities and adding to the government’s revenues of that country.

The case of Afghanistan economy, however, is quite different as foreign funds flowing in the forms of military and non-military aids constitute its main structure. As is the case with security situation, Afghanistan national economy might also collapse all it once if the international community stops supporting it. This is no less than a national tragedy for the country. However, the government has reluctantly acted to lay strong economic foundations over the past 12 years. Meanwhile, it has terribly failed to attract foreign direct investment (FDI).

Actually, FDI is directly related to the political and security situation of a country. In Afghanistan the security situation is at its worst. This could be better, if the government had logically formulated its policies, especially towards the insurgents. Specifically speaking, it is the Taliban who are responsible for the deteriorating security situation. For a part of their success, the way the government has been dealing with them is the main reason. Taliban have been killing thousands of innocent people each year and instead of being prosecuted and sentenced to severe punishments, they are being set free in a way that it feels as there is no law in the country. This is how the government policies have been sophisticating the business and investment environment in the country.

At current, most of the business activities are confined to Kabul city only, even not to its districts. That is the very reason for why the population of this city has been so rapidly growing over the past decade. The government has failed to make environment feasible for living a terror-free life, let alone for doing business in many other provinces that hold much capability to develop fast. Definitely, large business firms will not invest in a country where they can only operate in its capital city.

With much regret, economic development of Afghanistan is highly fragile at times when the government policies are inclined more towards the Taliban than towards the hands that have supported it and the country for the last decade. It is feared that Taliban might be brought back to power at least in some provinces, if not in the whole country under the so-called peace process. With the country having such prospects, only naïves would come here for making large-scale investments.    

Usually it is complained that our youth is involved in crimes and other improper activities and they waste their time a lot. At the same time, it is also a fact that our youngsters are having so many problems due to which they go astray and fall into bad hands or habits. In Shahre-Naw, there is a park where youngsters can be seen playing football in the darkness of evening. Similarly, there are not present playing grounds for them and they play their sports in streets or sides of busy roads. The education they get in school is also not attractive enough where they stay for two to three hours every day and learn very less. It is the reason why, they are also not nicely attached with their schools and subjects. On the other hand, the social evils like drugs, bad company, and others are rampant and widely available so there would be no surprise if they get indulged in them.

It is our belief that our youth are not less than youths of any other country and if they are provided with due opportunities and facilities, they can also exhibit their hidden qualities and prove to be good members of our society. This has been proved by numerous athletes, footballers and others who showed their talents when they were given with an opportunity. It is also a sad reality that our youth try to be attached with positive activities like language learning, joining karate clubs, and computer courses but unfortunately, excessive negative aspects in society really dishearten them. It is the reason why, they get involved in those activities which are not regarded so good in our society.

Having a look at the deteriorating behaviors and emotional and moral conditions of our youth, it becomes the responsibility of all to work on emergency basis to safeguard our youth. It becomes the responsibility of our government to provide the youth with all the opportunities to keep them busy in positive activities like sport, recreation and learning different skills. In this regard, concerned ministries and so-called NGOs working for the youth welfare should perform their duties nicely and don’t rely only on seminars and news-conferences. Parents must also give proper attention to the activities of their children and provide them with the opportunities to improve their social and intellectual skills to make them better members of society.